The nothing I'm referring to is, you don't lose your individuality, your individuality expands and you become as omnipresence.

Now you may ask the question, "How can everybody's individuality expand the same way? Then there'll be trillions of individualities?" No! There's only one individuality and that one is the Self. And that one is you. You are the ultimate Reality.

But right now with your finite mind, it's difficult to comprehend that. This is why you have to understand that you are not your body-mind phenomena. As soon as you get rid of the body-mind concept, you become free.

Therefore you work on yourself. The spiritual sadhana that you do, is simply to awaken. To awaken to your Self, to the one Reality. In the one Reality, you can have a body or not have a body, it makes no difference. But even if you have a body, you really don't have a body. The body only appears to the Ajnani, the person who has not realized Truth. It appears as if the Jnani has a body. It appears as if the Jnani is doing something. But the Jnani does nothing. The Jnani is immersed in consciousness and has become the Self, the total Reality, pure intelligence, absolute awareness, sat-chit-ananda.

- Robert Adams Satsangs: The Collected Works, Ts 22