Mooji     517 posts

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Find the "presence", not the "present"!
The presence is timeless. The present is time bound. The present is fluid, is memory, is mind, is an idea.
People say, "the past is unreal, the future is unreal, only the present, only here & now...", but the "here & now" is also unreal, is also an idea. Because you have touched it with your mind. So it becomes a bit dirty. Only seeing it from the timeless then everything is good.
Your Being is timeless.

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Q: Mooji, you say we don't have complete free will. I disagree.

M: For instance?

Q: For instance: If I wish to climb this tree, nothing can stop me.

M: Can you climb it now?

Q: No.

M: Why not? It would demonstrate your point very well.

Q: Well, I don't feel like it right now.

M: What makes you feel like it? Do you have any choice in that?

Q: No

M: Then where is your free will?

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Many beings come to me and say, ‘Life is flowing very beautifully now. I am in a state of peace. My intuitive powers are opening up. Life is a sweet flow. I see sensations and thoughts coming and going but I am unchanging.'
They feel they are enjoying the complete state of Self-realization.
But then unexpectedly, this state is suddenly changing. Many thoughts are coming now and they are not nice ones.
Before, there was a shield of protection but now all ugly things are coming through. The awakening honeymoon seems to be over.
Now please pay attention. Listen well.
This is a form of Grace actually. This phase has come and signals that you must mature further in order to attain complete realization of the Self.
I sometimes say, 'You want to taste the honey, you don't want to be the honey'. What is this honey? It is the satchitananda state — the perfume of the Self experienced as existence, consciousness and bliss. All beings enjoy this state and wish to prolong it, believing it to be the ultimate state.
Through these intense satsangs, ego is thinning away and you are beginning to experience an expansion within your being.
You are enjoying. You are tasting the honey. Why not? Very nice. Best honey. But then somehow you get a bee sting and the tongue hurts. The honey is gone or feels polluted.
What happened? Your beautiful spiritual world has changed. Your spontaneity has gone.
Don't panic. You haven't done anything wrong.
What is important now is that you recognize that you are still totally here as pure quality-less awareness.
Grace says, 'You must experience only awareness without the taste of the honey.' But this is not acceptable to the 'experiencer' self. It wants the tasting to continue uninterrupted. It wants nothing more.
Where is the taste?
There is only the tasteless awareness.
This 'experiencer' self is a mix of presence and ego and must be transcended before Self-realization is complete.
Remember, just as the flower is not attached to its smell, awareness is not addicted to any state.
Now you must be the Self beyond quality.
Don't rely on the fragrance.
The initial fragrance is still the subtlest part of phenomenality, but it can and will disappear.
But the Self cannot disappear.
It cannot even appear for it is infinite and timeless.
As soon as you, the true Self, recognize and start marinating in your own emptiness, the attachment to fragrances weaken.
Before arriving to this stage, there was no attraction for the ultimate Self, only for its dynamic aspect as presence.
Now, as a result of listening to and following these direct pointings you come to find the Supreme joy — the immutable Self.
Here is the unfading peace that cannot be described.
You are not merely tasting peace.
You are peace itself.
You are not feeling happy.
You are happiness itself.
You are beyond the play of interrelated opposites. Beyond the spell of duality.
This Realization few have attained.
Here in satsang today, you may discover and be one of them.

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This body can become exhausted but the Source from where I'm speaking can never be exhausted.

I can not keep on putting food in the mouth.
I can not do it, it's not good and it's not of much value because I have come to give you the most beautiful Thing,
which you don't have to pay to find,
which you don't have to go to some place to look for, it's not hidden in the Himalayas,
it's right Here in the Center of your Being.

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Sometimes you feel you know less and less, but being more and more. You are being more of yourself although you didn't become anything at all. These are paradoxes that cannot be easily explained.


You are coming to the edge of your personal self. You are falling into the abyss of your own Self. Say inside your Heart: I am up for this. I choose to be free forever.

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If you think it's more "spiritual" to become a vegetarian, buy Organic Foods, practice yoga and meditate, but then you find yourself judging those who don't do all these things, you fell into an ego trap.
If you think it's more "spiritual" riding a bike or public transport at work, but then you're judging those in the car, you fell into an ego trap.
If you think it's more "spiritual" to stop watching tv because it cancels your brain, but then you're judging those who still look at you, you fell into an ego trap.
If you think it's more "spiritual" to avoid reading newspapers and gossip magazines, but then you judge those who read them, you fell into an ego trap.
If you think it's more "spiritual" listening to classical music or sounds of nature, but then you're judging who listens to commercial music, you fell into an ego trap.
You always have to be careful about the feeling of "superiority". it is the most important clue we have to realize that we are dealing into an ego trap. The ego is cleverly hidden in noble thoughts like to start a vegetarian diet or use the bicycle and then turn into a sense of superiority towards those who do not follow the same spiritual path."

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Moojibaba’s Words Before Entering His Silent Retreat:

Many years ago, when these profound changes began taking place in my life, I suddenly found myself spending a lot of time on my own. I had the opportunity, in those days, to just sit by myself in undisturbed peace and silence. It was not my intention or decision to do this. I just went along with what felt right inside my heart and being. It all felt as though God had arranged it like this. Quite a long time passed in silent introspection and self-awareness. Little attention was left for anything else. I lived in a kind of timeless state cocooned inside this silent, blessed feeling of being.

Over 25 years have passed since, and I realise I have not taken any time to just sit by myself. I know that it was absorption in the power and continuous flow of grace from the Supreme Being that makes all this possible here and now. This time of deep immersion in the Self made all these years of travelling around the world sharing Satsang possible. It is still here today in service to your own awakening. I have shared with some of you that an urge has been steadily arising within to rest again inside my own heart-retreat. I do not have any grand ideas or projections about the fruits it will yield.

Here I am extending this invitation to you, my Sangha, to enter into your own inner retreat over this coming month or so. Most of you, of course, have activities and work that must continue, but at the same time I encourage you to be in this inner state and to stay very conscious of the Self even while the outer activities go on. Spend time really sitting and imbibing what I have pointed to as your true nature and position as the unchanging, unmoving awareness. It is not difficult. The pointing is very straightforward, very clean, very clear, but you need to sit with it and not be impatient. And watch…not only the things which keep coming and going but That which does not come and go—the awareness Self. Be one with That for it is not separate from you. Notice that your work and daily activities are spontaneously flowing even better as you keep your mind inside your heart.

This invitation is for all who seek the Truth and are in the hearing of this, wherever you are. Take this chance to keep your attention inside the heart of being. Each time the mind drifts away bring it back to silent, formless awareness. Inside, you must remain, know and confirm yourself as the unmoving One. And this harmony between the unmanifest and the manifest as one integral wholeness will reveal itself as your fundamental nature. Gradually, pure understanding will transmute into final awakening.

Nothing learnt in this world stays with you profoundly if it only stays in your mind as concepts. You must drink my words and pointers in deeply. It is like when you are in love, you welcome and embrace love totally inside so it becomes one with your being. This falling in love-ness, this internalising of the attention, is a very natural thing. It is not a wasteful movement. It is not a personal attainment. It is a universal impulse expanding and expressing itself as blessedness and love to the world.
Being aware of the Self compels and propels us out of the ignorant role and state of personhood and into Universal Consciousness. So while daily life unfolds, I am encouraging you to keep your attention immersed in the source which is your true Self.

Finally, please give this your full-hearted attention: continue growing in your love, respect and service to one another. It is a very mature and illumined Sangha that learns from and inspires each other towards full awakening to the timeless Truth. A true Sangha supports and encourages this truthfulness and integrity to face what is true and what is false without sacrificing the love, harmony and deep respect that are the perfume of the One Self. Without love, there is no Sangha and no real life. I do not know if there is anywhere else on this planet where love, wisdom and Truth are so profoundly alive and venerated as here inside the Sahaja-Heart.

Beloved ones, don’t waste your life pursuing the ephemeral. Transcend ego. Don’t miss your chance.

Timeless love

Monte Sahaja, Portugal.

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If I take you as a person, I cannot serve you.

I can only help you because I don't believe you. I don't believe the things you say to be true, when you speak from personhood...

And this is why I can look at you because if I saw you to be something other than what I know in my heart, I could not look at you in the face. I could not love you as I do.

I pray soon you will know that.

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You will miss what I am saying

It is not you that comes and goes or fades. It is the mind that comes and goes and passes away. Understand, know and be in your true position as the uninvolved witness of all phenomena.

You say you want to get rid of the noise, but you and the noise go together. You have to be you without ‘you’ and all noise will stop. The real You is the formless witness within. The person, the noisy one, is only imagined.

Your true nature is no distance from you. Just recognize what is always here, unconditioned and untouched. From the standpoint of human conditioning, there seems to be a journey.

But from the position of consciousness, this makes no sense at all. Change from the position of personhood to that of presence otherwise you will miss what I am saying.

When, inside your heart, you understand yourself to be consciousness, my words will be very easily understood and assimilated, and delusion will flee

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Arrogance (Ego)

“Arrogance is the most prevalent state of disgrace in the human world. As soon as we feel some inner opening, we begin strutting about like some pigeon. As soon as we receive some insights, we start thinking we are something special, whereas the truth is we are Nothing.”

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You are the one complete Self
beyond even the concept of completeness.
This is not merely a feel-good experience;
in fact, good or bad, right or wrong,
these ideas and concepts are far away from you here.
Recognise yourself without any definition,
without any description, without goal,
without past, without future,
without desire, without need.
There are no stories here, and yet you fully are.
Here, mind has no power,
because you are not in a state of distraction.
Be aware even of the subtle sensation of presence
as it expresses inside this body.
You are here, yet at the same time
you are beyond every description,
every concept, every feeling
-being the perceiver of them.

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In all your experience, you cannot count awareness
as something within your experience.
Everything else becomes something,
a number, a thing, a form inside the awareness,
but awareness cannot be counted as ‘my experience’.
It is there before the ‘you’ you currently take yourself to be.
If you take you to be one, number one,
meaning your phenomenal existence,
then you are one, and number two comes easily.
Two, three, four, five, six, one million can be counted upon
because you touched and identify with one.
And this ‘one’ has caused all the trouble in the world.
So you be zero.
When the population count of this world is taken,
you will not be counted. You be zero. Don’t tell anyone this,
because no one will understand, even in the spiritual world.
But there are those who have been prepared
in the heart to understand what I’m speaking now.
If they swallow my words they will be saved.

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There is a mystery within all beings bursting to reveal itself, in the ones who become quiet enough to discover it.

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You have to become this kind of crazy once in a while,
that you start to behave out of character,
not as a mad person, this is a divine madness,
this is different from the regular madness.

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The Lord of the Universe dwells inside the heart of every being as unmixed presence.
This must be discovered not as mere teaching but as direct and intuitive experience.

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Don't expect anything from anybody,
this is also a great freedom.

Don't expect things to be different or people to be in service to you or your own life or projections.

Feel gradually that natural feeling of detachment.

Dont watch constantly with the eyes of relationship and past and so on.

Stay faithful to your own discovery,
leave the rest and life will take care of it.

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Without the intrusiveness of the personal mind,
life is observed to be unfolding in a natural
and harmonious way. Do not waste time
merely wishing for things to get better.
The whole world is doing this
and so no one is really happy.
We miss the true life.
In fact, happiness arises
when you stop chasing for something other
than your own pure nature.
And this happiness remains with you.
The universal tendency in human beings
is to seek lasting happiness
in the field of names and forms—a transient field.
This is really a form of avoidance
and a distraction from what is timelessly present
and ever perfect within us—our divine nature and Self.
Ignorance of the Truth is the main cause of misery.
Avoid expectations and especially be aware of
the tendency to wait for 'next' as a promise to happiness
—the next good feeling, the next adventure
or invitation from the mind—in short,
the next experience that, in fact, does quite the contrary:
it pulls your attention away from pure presence,
the seat of joy.
No one has ever experienced 'the future'.
Reflect. It is all imagination.
How to transform these tendencies?
Simply, begin by paying attention to the natural
thought-free state, the pure sense of existence,
the feeling ‘I Am’ that is naturally present in you.
Shift the attention away from the mind-traffic
and let it rest in impersonal awareness.
Keep doing this each time the attention goes out towards
sense objects or obsessive self-interest.
Self-attention is the beginning of real Self-discovery.
It returns the attention time and again
to its source—the one Self.
Get used to staying in your natural
and neutral state of being.
It is a state of emptiness. Do not be afraid of this.
In fact, get increasingly used to being empty.
This emptiness and joy are synonymous. They are one.
This is really what is meant by the saying,
‘to enjoy one’s Self. It is a state of unfading contentment,
wisdom, love and happiness.

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Remaining as awareness,
delusions fall away and mind returns to
its natural abode, the Heart.
Do not fight any tendency.
Simply stay as the detached witness
who is ever present and without name or form.
It has no story.
Follow this advice. It works.

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Don't be so weak...don't give in to fickle tendancies...hold your ground...there is no need to try and measure yourself or your progress...simply carry on being here, being present, being open...not everything rests upon your intellect, or your intellectual capacity...for some of you perhaps it may be a struggle to investigate...your not on your own...when I say your not on your own, I mean that whatever brought you here...inspired you...encouraged your being and your body to be here, will continue doing its's important to trust!! my heart I have not left one single one out...I've ruled no one one is exempt from this opportunity...

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The light of one human being who discovers the Truth has been lighting the human kingdom for thousands of years.
Such is the power of a human being who realizes the Truth of who they are.
The whole human specie is in a difficulty because of ignorance and arrogance.
Who is responsible for it?
Consciousness is playing this game.
Human beings are the expression of Consciousness, the effects of Consciousness.
When you know who you are, you know that all is That...when you know that all is That, your actions come from your heart.
All these efforts cannot change the world, because the human ego is arrogant and selfish, what is great about the human being is their that we are the Timeless portraying itself as time and change.
The world is not a dark painting, it's still a beautiful painting, and the picture changes according to your present light.
As you grow more aware of the Truth, you will see the glory of the universe and of God inside everything you see.

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Let the world call you lazy for not running about like a frightened ghost. Just be quiet inside yourself. Don't bother about knowing how things should be and simply begin observing without prejudice, projections or desires. Notice how life flows of its own accord. Nothing here is a chaos, but a harmony. You are already inside this flow.

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What you are trying to make happen
has never happened.
It is the one thing that never happens.
Everything else is happening,
but this thing is not happening,
but everybody is trying to make it happen.
All these attempts to make it happen
are being watched in That which doesn't happen
—and you are That.
So only the recognition needs to happen, not you.
The recognition of That
which is timelessly present and unchanging.
That is our glory—that we cannot happen,
we can only be.

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Everything you see, comes to pass.
Know that you are not that.
All things that are heard, come to pass.
Know that you are not that.
All things that are touched, come to pass.
Know that you are not that.
All things that are tasted, come to pass.
Know that you are not that.
All things that are thought of, come to pass.
Know that you are not that.
All things that are imagined, come to pass.
Know that you are not that.
All things that are learned, come to pass.
Know that you are not that.
All that is manifest, come to pass.
Know that you are not that.
All things of the mind come to pass.
Know that you are not that.
That which does not come to pass,
but inside which all phenomena come to pass,
know That—to be your Self.

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Spirituality is only to wake up and to come back to your pre-birth awareness. Sometimes the questions are more powerful than the answers because they create opening and space for you to look.
To overcome that limitation and that conditioning is the greatest transcendence, actually. You get burnt up first, then around you auspicious fires will start.

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The light within us is there as a potential.
The darkness within us is there as a potential.
Beyond light and darkness is the Reality that we are.
That dark sided potential can only intimidate
the idea you have of who you are.
It cannot infest or affect your true Self.
What you are cannot be possessed;
what you think you are could be,
for that is weak, not stable.
This is where we become psychologically weak.
This is where fear lives, where resistance thrives,
where insecurity, pride and arrogance sprout from.

These forces will play in the aspect of consciousness
that is its self-portrait as a person.

As your mind continues expanding
beyond the limited, psychological self
back into the brightness of the true Self
—in this crossing over
—the fiercest resistance will likely come.
Strange as it may seem, it is just after
a bright and beautiful insight awakens within
that our deepest fears manifest.

In the moment, you may forget
these are merely clouds passing:
but observe that your Self,
the witness of all,
is unmoving.

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The most important thing in life
is to wake up to who you truly are.
You are not merely a personal being.
You are the living spirit of Truth.

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