He slept very little. He advised, in his instructions to his disciples, that one
should sleep only between midnight and three o’clock in the morning. In his discourses at Mettukkuppam, he advised them to sleep only one hour a day. It is stated that in his youth he slept three hours a day, then two hours, and then one hour, and finally, his disciples reported that in the end he did not sleep at all. He addresses God as ‘You who banished sleep for me’. He says he is apprehensive of sleeping: "Supreme Light, that shines before and beyond Time, Have you made me Yours? I lough to the sleep that comes night or day. It troubles me that it comes. Unwilling I sleep; and when I awake, I call on you and pray, ‘Lord’ when will the sleep be abolished ?" He banishes sleep: "Sleep, you silly Idiot, beware! If, within half an instant of this warning, You do not leave me, with your brood, for good, you shall be accursed. I’ve transcended sorrow. I’ve gained creative will, and I rejoice, I’m not for you, Get away and be quick! I’ve behind me the Lord of the Golden wisdom sphere" Source: Vallalar - Messenger of Grace Light, p. 29 |