* * * I am formless. * * *

One Raghavachari was an overseer at Tiruvannamalai from 1910 onwards. He had Bhagavan's darshan off and on but whenever he went, Bhagavan would be amidst a group of people and
so Raghavachari was reluctant to speak to Bhagavan Sri Ramana who was not alone.

Here is what happened once, in his own words:

One day, I went up with an intent to submit three questions or requests to Bhagavan Sri Ramana.

The questions were:
(i) Can you grant me a few minutes for a private personal talk-free from the presence of others?
(ii) I should like to have your opinion on the Theosophical society of which I am a member;
(iii) Will you please enable me to see your real form if I am eligible to see it?

When I went and prostrated (to Bhagavan Ramana) and sat,
there was a crowd of thirty persons,
but (on their own) they immediately dispersed.
So I was alone with him and my first query was thus answered
without my having to state it.
That struck me as noteworthy.

Then he asked me of his own accord
if the book in my hand was the Gita and
if I was a member of the T.S. and
remarked even before I attempted to answer his queries,
`It is doing good work.'
I answered his questions in the affirmative.

My second question also being thus anticipated,
I waited with an eager mind for the third answer.

After half an hour I said
`Just as Arjuna wished to see the form of Sri Krishna and
asked for darshan I wish to have a darshan of your real form,
if I am eligible.'

He was then seated on the pial with a picture of Dakshinamurthy painted on the wall next to him.
He silently gazed on as usual and I gazed into his eyes.
Then his body and also the picture of Dakshinamurthy disappeared from my view.
There was only empty space without even a wall, before my eyes.
Then a whitish cloud in the outline of the Maharshi and of Dakshinamurthy, formed before my eyes.

Gradually the outline (with silvery lines) of these figures appeared.
Then eyes, nose etc., and other details were outlined in lightning-like lines.
These gradually broadened till the whole figure of the Swami and Dakshinamurthy became ablaze with very strong and unendurable light.

I closed my eyes in consequence.
I waited a few minutes and
then saw him and Dakshinamurthy in the usual form.
I prostrated and came away.

For a month thereafter I did not dare go near him,
so great was the impression the above experience made on me.

After a month, I went up and saw him in front of Skandasramam.

I told him `I had put to you a question a month ago and I had this experience'
and narrated the above experience to him.
I requested him to explain it.

Then, after a pause he said
`You wanted to see my form.
You saw my disappearance.
I am formless.
So that experience might be the real truth.
The further visions may be according
to your own conceptions derived from the study of Bhagavad Gita.
But Ganapati Sastry had a similar experience and you may consult him.'

I did not in fact consult Sastri.

( Extracted from Narasimha Swami's Self)

~ Sri Ramana Leela, Chapter : 48