On this day, April the 14th, 1950, this story occurred -

"One day while Baba [Neem Karoli Baba] was talking to people at Haldwani Furniture Mart, he suddenly became absorbed in deep thought and remained silent for some time. Then he said faintly, "Pooran [Pooran Chandra Joshi], give a spoonful of water to drink. He is in great agony." I could not understand what the matter was, but I nevertheless poured two spoonfuls of water into Baba's mouth. After some time, two tears fell from Baba's eyes, and he said to me, "Ramana is no more. India has lost a great saint today." This incident occurred on the day that Ramana Maharshi left his physical body in Arunachala." (from Divine Reality)

We honor you today Sri Sri Ramana Maharshi! Suk-ek! Thank you for allowing us to be part of your family! Jai Sri Ram!