‘I’is the first pronoun. The second pronoun is ‘am.’
When you realize "I am", you become free.
This is called ‘Being’.
Not being this or being that. Just plain Being.

It's quite a different situation than identification with the body.
The body will continue to have experiences, yet you will not.
You will be free from the whole ball of wax.
Yet to other people, to others, it will appear as if you 're doing whatever you 're doing.

It appears as if what you 're doing is a reality. Yet when you discover the truth about yourself and you awaken,
you will no longer be connected to your body.
At the same time you will appear to be a body to others, and they will see the games you are playing.
But you will be free from that. Yet your body will continue to play the games.

It's a paradox.
Your body appears as the water in the mirage, as the snake in the rope.
But yet, when you awaken, you are no longer the body.
And there is nobody.
But the body appears to others as being real.

This is why when a Jnani dies, or appears to be suffering, nothing is really happening to the Jnani.
But to the ajnani all kinds of things are happening.
They see suffering.
They identify with sorrow, or death, and with everything else.

Therefore, I say to you, do not disturb yourself by these things.
Inquire "to whom do they come?" and be free.