An artist does not enjoy other artist's music as a common listener does. Because when he listen to a track, he will be thinking about the music, about the sounds, style etc..and wondering how this sound, effect, melody etc is created.
He get stuck on parts instead of flowing with the music.
But a simple listener enjoys because He is not interested in creating his own music. he flows with the music and stays in the present and enjoy.

If we are suffering and cannot enjoy each sound of our life, we are being like that artist.
If you think you are going to create your own life the way your mind wants, you are being like that artist.
If you hang on to something or try to avoid something you are like that artist.

Hey...comeoooon every we have our DJ always playing his own tunes in his own ways.
I introduce to you 'the Boss'
The greatest eternal artist

Lets throw away all our worries
Lets give up our ego
let us flow with the music

Lets dance to his soft, hard, melodic, weird, sad, happy, trippy tracks
Lets dance life to its fullest