Fear is a state of mind. When mind is full of thoughts of fear, and I am unconsciously identifying with the mind and saying "I am afraid"... That is not the time to "get rid of the state of mind". That is the time to "understand that the state of mind cannot touch me". Japam, Pranayamam etc. are excellent methods but misplaced here. If I repeat god's name, the state of mind changes. The mind becomes calm and the thoughts of fear are replaced with other thoughts. So there is feeling of comfort. But that is not what I want. I want to face it. When it is said "I cannot be touched by thoughts", that means, I should see this. I should see how the thoughts of fear cannot touch me, who am Consciousness. "I am afraid" is a misperception. "I fear" is a misperception. Because, I am Consciousness in whose presence these thoughts are floating. If thoughts are not "touching" me, why do I need to do japam to remove the thoughts ? If thoughts are "touching" me, its misperception, and I need to remind myself that I am Consciousness and remain as Consciousness. I would rather stand in the darkness... Allow the thoughts to pass... And remain as Consciousness. Not trying to avoid the situtation. Not trying to run away. Not trying any sort of ESCAPE. Japam is a method to remind myself that I am Consciousness... not a method to escape or change the states of mind. Mind becomes calm, I say I am calm. Mind becomes agitated, I say I am agitated ! This is wrong understanding. Mistaken vision. As long as I keep repeating this, I will keep trying to change mind. Somewhere I have to cut this knot ! I am not the mind ! Therefore I do not resist what is happening in mind ! It's not my business ! Mind suggests fear, mind suggests running away, mind suggests lots of things. The whole body will react to mind... but I remain as consciousness... motionless... Mind jumps for some time and finally gives way. It's hard, but it is vanquishing the mind. Disagree with it. It has no power of its own. No thought of mind is a command. All thoughts are mere suggestions. We need not listen. This is Self Inquiry.