You say you wish to be free of desires and expectations.
And it is true: your own desire is disturbing you. For even noble desires such as the desire to save the world or to be a good person or even to attain liberation can actually distract you from discovering what is truly already here—natural, unbound contentment. Once you have a desire burning inside, you will be waiting anxiously for it to be fulfilled, and if it is not fulfilled, your anxiety will increase. So it is good to be open to the possibility of dropping all desires. Desire promises much but fulfils little. Though it is possible, most people find it impossible to drop even a single desire as they feel they will lose something precious. It is like taking a dry bone from a dog. So rather than telling you to drop desire, I say, find out what it actually promises to give you, and also identify the actual person who will receive it. Don't assume. Find out. Is any of this real? These questions can feel deeply challenging as they threaten to expose ego's unreality. Very few go beyond to discover their real power as the undivided Self and so put an end to delusion. Who will rise to this challenge? |