Mooji     518 posts

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Awareness is always in the same place,
which is a placeless place called infinity.
And always at the same time,
which is a timeless time, called eternity,
it never goes anywhere.

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Why do you cling to memories so much?
Is it because we have the sense that
the present is incomplete?
Why go to past or future? Or even present!
Is there not something even more alive than time?
As you come to verify this, spontaneously
you will discover that you are the timeless One.

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May all who come
here in search of Truth,
and whose hearts and minds
beat only to discover the real,
awaken to the full realisation
of the imperishable Self
inside their hearts and
be timelessly happy and content.
Know that the true heart
and the illumined mind are one.
God and Truth are similarly one.
Know and acknowledge this
with your entire being.
Go in peace.
And may all those who meet you
along the way be so touched
and inspired by your light,
your loving kindness and compassion,
your wisdom and silent presence,
that they are compelled to search
within themselves to discover that
which they see in you,
and so find everlasting freedom.
For blessed is the one
whose life is the evidence of Truth.
May the power of Truth prevail
in all its glory and perfection
in the hearts of those
who love and honour
the Supreme Being.
This is my heart’s blessing for you,
that you will always recognise
the ever-present Grace
that is your heart’s divine activity.
And may your presence be
a true introduction to the face,
light and love of the living God.

Amen Om

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Some come to see
that the sense
of presence itself
is also perceived.
When seen that
this ‘I am’ position
is also witnessable,
one is automatically one
with the immutable Source.

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Why, in general, don't employers give more than 4 weeks holiday in one run?

Because perhaps, after a good break, it is likely you won't want to go back to work... [laughs]

If you don't maintain your relationship with your personal identity or ego for some time, you also won't want to go back to it. You will forget about it and be free of it.

We often don't realise that it takes memory, practice and effort to continue being an ego, whereas it takes no effort to be one's true Self.

Ego is full-time high maintenance. Its wages are low and its taxes are sky high.

The true Self is natural, harmonious and effortlessly content.

True wisdom is to use one's life to discover and be This.

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Be one with the
great Silence
where everything
takes birth.

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There is no standard for one
who is liberated.
You neither have to
give all your things away nor
live naked in some cave.
Truth is not like that.
Each expression is unique.
A liberated being may have
a hundred houses,
yet they don’t pursue wealth.
Another is without possessions
and with no care in the world.
Both these beings are
equally free and equally happy,
not being enslaved by
the things of this world.

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As long as there is a wanting
for someone or something
to make you happy,
this is a sure way to create
a sense of lacking and
misery in yourself.

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Nothing can 'get in the way' of the true, for Truth is not to be found in any direction. It is always present as the core of your being.

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In order to really grow inside,
you must first be challenged from all directions.
Things cannot just go your way.
You cannot command life or
expect it to fulfill your projections.
If things were always easy,
you would go to sleep inside your being.
As you become more sensitive,
more alert, intuitive, open and silent,
then fear, resistance and lethargy subside
and are replaced with a deep calm
and a faith in the unseen.
Though no outer company may be seen alongside you,
the one who walks with God is never alone.
The hosts of the heavens walk with them.

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There is no need to transcend
what has no meaning
or interest for you.

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When you are experiencing with your attention rooted in being, your mind is no longer collecting outer impressions and the usual noise of the world goes unnoticed. All is replaced by this field of seamless awareness. For most people, their attention is engaged with sensory perception, and the noise produced there becomes the background of their being.

But for one who is absorbed in the Self, the most profound experience is that of unbroken, soundless Awareness, in which all phenomena appear and disappear without trace. For the one who has lost interest in the mind play, impressions drift further and further away from the heart of perceiving. This should be everyone’s unbroken experience. However, when we get wrapped up in the scenarios created by the mind, we will be distracted.

As you stabilize more in the Self, you find and enjoy peace even in the midst of daily life. The sense ‘I’ in you becomes a synonym for peace and harmony. For such a one knows he is not just the body or mind, nor is the body-mind a mere container or an antenna for receiving the incessant noise and impressions of the world. Even amidst the worldly traffic of sensations, the awakened one remains unperturbed, abiding effortlessly in the silence of Being. The mind of an awakened one is like a space in which phenomena appear and disappear, yet nothing sticks.

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There is only one thing to be done:
give up the idea
that you are your personality
and be open to a greater truth.
Spirit is presence, not person.
Like this, Grace enters your heart
and reveals your true nature as
unborn awareness.

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Blessed Guru Purnima Day

What is the significance of Guru Purnima day? It is to be reminded of and be one with the inner guru, the Satguru inside our heart—the true heart of being. The Satguru is formless but appears with form only to remind us of the inner, eternal Satguru, our timeless and unborn Reality.

All that exists is only the Supreme Lord of the Universe; with form, he is known by various names but is ever the unchanging One. For those who contemplate, He is discovered as pure and formless awareness within. The true purpose and opportunity of the human experience is to discover this and find true and lasting freedom. Know that this is possible.

I love you all as my own Self.

I am only a humble servant. Of all forms of serving, the guru is the greatest servant, because it is with great joy that the guru sees and reveals how everything arises from the perfect source, plays as ignorance and diversity, and ultimately returns to the fullness of the heart—the source of all manifestation.

Though the guru is loved and honoured on this ‘special’ day, it must be said that the guru does not consider himself to be special or above anyone. In fact, he is the most normal, simple and humble being, for he is the most natural. He knows that as a person he has no independent reality and that his reality is only the one, true and all-encompassing Self. The true guru or teacher sees all as his own self and being. He encourages and urges his followers to understand, to discover and live this truth as their own reality.

It is a pleasure for me to bless this day and to say Happy Guru Purnima Day to all beings who can hear this.

I love you and love reminding you that you are worth much more than you could ever imagine. We are the ever pure, timeless and blissful awareness existence. It is a delight to love who and what you are and to discard what we are not. Not discard in some cynical way, but simply to turn away from what is seen to be unreal. Satsang exists for this and as this service to mankind. Satsang powerfully reminds and supports authentic self-discovery in every moment.

Turn your face and mind back to what is real—the Heart of pure Awareness—and be free.

My love is That—the timeless One we all are.

Om. Amen

July 24, 2021

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You are not here to watch thoughts
Stay empty
Here is a secret
Knowing what you are
Every thought can come
But nothing sticks
Knowing what I am
I need no walls I need no room
Everything come, everything go
I remain the same - always
When you see with the true eyes, with the true heart
You may say, all things come and go
Situations, circumstances they come and go
Time passes, but I never change
Age after age I am here - the unchanging one
Before first, I am
You will know this
When you leave everything
Including the idea of yourself
You will find this truth
Beyond even conviction it prevails in you
But when?
The one who is open - receives
The one who is hungry - eats
The one who doubt - delays
The one who sees - is free
Time after time I share this with you
But you send me away
Choosing the ephemeral, the momentary
You fall under the delusion that you are time
Therefore you passing also
Everything about this day will pass
Except one
Find this one who will not pass
Who will not become yesterday
I am eternally present in the heart of the one who recognise me
Says the Lord and
I will never forsake you
The one who came here truly for This
Will not leave with this
But you will leave as This
You will remain as This
Choicelessly you’ll see
For my pointings and my words have come alive in you
Even these tears— clouds passing
I do not prevent myself from experiencing anything
Let everything come
It is my dance
But nothing carries me away
For in the field of the phenomenal I alone prevail
As the unchanging one
Find this truth in yourself
And now it's not a time to concentrate upon anything at all
As I said, hold no image in your mind
Remain as the imageless one
Is this a task?
Find a secret of perceiving all things
Experiencing whatever comes and goes
But never being carried away
Enjoy without attachment
Let the senses do their work in their own laws
Play inside your infinite stillness
But tell no one
Then you will know, my words will pass, may pass
But where they come from
Will never pass
They will never grow old
They’ll never need to be refreshed
This is the ocean of the Lord Supreme
This short time together is about to come to an end
But what I’ve been sharing with you
Will never end
Blissful is the one in whose heart this is seen
All things will leave except this
Know this, confirm this, be one with this
That is all you need to know in a nutshell
Bless each and everyone of you
That the mirror of these words will reveal to you your true place
Your unchanging nature
Find and confirm this and be happy and free

—Jai Papaji

(fragment of the guided meditation; online retreat 28.06.20)

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The truth is always here
but you are too complex
and too distracted to see it.

So you will have to walk
all over the universe to
come back to find it right
under your nose.

This is the paradox of existence.

It is always you,
it has always been you
but you think it is something else.

It is you but it is not the you
that you would like to be or
that you think you are,
it is the true You.

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It really doesn’t matter, what plays on the surface. It doesn’t matter whether you are experiencing some crazy mind movement or extreme self consciousness or whatever displays - it doesn’t matter. It makes no blemish on the Awareness itself. It is pure, unstained. You are This.

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Don't challenge yourself
to be merely brave or fearless;
challenge yourself to be
open, humble, grateful and trusting.

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When you try hard to discuss your personal problems in Satsang,
I feel like a cardiac surgeon, who was given a job to cut your toenails.

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When a man looks for experience he becomes the body.
When he looks for knowledge he becomes the mind.
When he looks for God he becomes the Heart.
When he looks for Truth he becomes Nothing.

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Let the world call you lazy for not walking in a rush like a scared ghost. Just be silent within yourself. Watch how life flows at your own will.

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I’m not asking you to change
I am pointing to the unchanging within you.

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What is greater:
that there is no more desire
or that there is no more desirer?
Contemplate this.

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The world is full of Buddhas, but they’re sleeping.
The greatest healing would be to wake up from what we are not.
If I could give you only one advice, I would say: Don’t identify with anything. Be completely empty. Be no-body and see if you lose anything but delusion.
I am not telling you, you are good enough. I am telling you, you are complete and perfect before even the birth of time.
Never think of yourself as sick. It’s the wrong diagnosis. Body may be sick, mind can be sick, but you, the Self, can never be sick. You can never be harmed or injured. You will come to know it, not just believe it. And body can be healed; mind can come back to its natural state. But you can never be sick. You are the formless and ever-perfect Self.

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When not being your Self becomes unbearable,
Self-discovery becomes vital.
It seems we can live in exile from our own
true nature for a while. Actually, we cannot do it.
We are only dreaming it, or believing it into existence
and so suffering our own projections.
Such exile is like saying that space has forgotten
itself and imagines itself to be the wind.
The mind is like the wind.
The Self is like space.
It is the nature of wind to blow about,
but space, being infinite, cannot move about.
Space exists whether there is wind or no wind.
But if there was no space, there could be no wind.
Judge which is the greater
and be one with that.

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It is not important to be original.
It is important only to be True.

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