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Robert Q shared a Meister Eckhart quote         SHARE URL

Meister Eckhart

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Spirituality is not to be learned by flight from the world, or by running away from things, or by turning solitary and going apart from the world. Rather, we must learn an inner solitude wherever or with whomsoever we may be. We must learn to penetrate things and find God there.

Robert Q shared a Eckhart Tolle quote         SHARE URL

Eckhart Tolle

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The pollution of the planet is only an outward reflection of an inner psychic pollution: millions of unconscious individuals not taking responsibility for their inner space.

Robert Q shared a Anthony De Mello quote         SHARE URL

Anthony De Mello

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As the Japanese Zen masters say: “Don’t seek the truth; just drop your opinions.” Drop your theories; don’t seek the truth. Truth isn’t something you search for. If you stop being opinionated, you would know.

Robert Q shared a Ram Dass quote         SHARE URL

Ram Dass

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When you are fully in the moment, this moment is all there is.

It feels like time slows down. When your mind is quiet, you enter into the flow of love, and you just flow from one moment to the next as naturally as breathing. Whatever arises, I embrace it with love in the moment. This is my practice of polishing the mirror to reflect Maharaj-ji’s love. In this moment there is just awareness and love. If someone asks me how to get into their heart, I give them this practice: I Am Loving Awareness.

Robert Q shared a Voltaire quote         SHARE URL


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Meditation is the dissolution of thoughts in eternal awareness or pure consciousness without objectification, knowing without thinking, merging finitude in infinity.

Robert Q shared a Ram Dass quote         SHARE URL

Ram Dass

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I kept hoping to get esoteric teachings from Maharaj-ji, but when I asked, “How can I become enlightened?” he said things like, “Love everybody, serve everybody, and remember God,” or “Feed people.” When I asked, “How can I know God?” Maharaj-ji said, “The best form to worship God is in all forms. God is in everything.” These simple teachings, to love, serve, and remember, became the guideposts for my life.

Jo Anne shared a Sri Anandamayi Ma quote         SHARE URL

Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Who is known as a Vaishnava? One who sees Visnu everywhere. And as a Sakta? One who beholds the Great Mother, and nothing save Her. In truth, all the various ways of thought spring from one common source - who then is to be blamed, who to be reviled or suppressed? All are equal in essence.

Jo Anne shared a Adyashanti quote         SHARE URL


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Love is a flame that burns everything other than itself. It is the destruction of all that is false and the fulfillment of all that is true.

Jo Anne shared a Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev quote         SHARE URL

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

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Physicality means separation, boundaries. Spirituality means unity, boundlessness.

Robert Q shared a Mooji quote         SHARE URL


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If today was your last day in this body, would it make any difference to you, to how you’d use your mind? What would you want to preserve... when you have no future?

Evgeny shared a Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi quote         SHARE URL

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi

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Don't believe your thoughts.
I am the body is a thought.
I am the mind is a thought.
I am the doer is a thought.
Worry is only a thought.
Fear is only a thought.
Death is only a thought.

Jo Anne shared a Sarada Devi quote         SHARE URL

Sarada Devi

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If you want peace of mind, do not find fault with others. Rather see your own faults. No one is a stranger, my child, learn to make the whole world your own.

Jo Anne shared a Sarada Devi quote         SHARE URL

Sarada Devi

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These earthly relationships are transitory. Today they seem to be the be-all and end-all of life, and tomorrow they vanish. Your real tie is with God.

Jo Anne shared a Sarada Devi quote         SHARE URL

Sarada Devi

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The goal of life is to realize God and to be always immersed in thought in Him.

Jo Anne shared a Sarada Devi quote         SHARE URL

Sarada Devi

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The world is the Lord's. He created it for His own play. We are mere pawns in His game. Wherever He keeps us and in whatever way He does so, we have to abide by it contentedly.

Evgeny shared a Patanjali quote         SHARE URL


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When alone, the object of contemplation remains and one’s own form is annihilated, this is known as samadhi.

Evgeny shared a Ram Dass quote         SHARE URL

Ram Dass

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Ultimately the game is nothing less than this, when you are in what is called sahaja samadhi: every in-breath, you consume the universe, between the in-breath and out-breath, you feed from God, then on the out-breath you feed humanity. On every in-breath you take it all back into yourself, between the in-breath and out-breath, the nectar pours into you, on the out-breath you bring it back down into your incarnation: that is the act of relieving suffering.

From: Grist for the Mill

Evgeny shared a Edgar Mitchell quote         SHARE URL

Edgar Mitchell

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Suddenly, I realized that the molecules in my body were created in an ancient generation of stars and suddenly that became personal and visceral, not intellectual and I had never had this experience. It was accompanied by bliss, an ecstasy I had never experienced. I discovered in ancient transcripts that this type of experience - a transformational, transcendental experience where you see things as you perceive them but experience them viscerally and emotionally as one, as a part of it - is called samadhi.

Andrey K shared a Papaji quote         SHARE URL


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You are the Unchangeable Awareness in which All activity takes place. Always Rest in Peace.
You are Eternal Being, Unbounded and Undivided.
Just Keep Quiet. All is well.
Keep Quiet Here and Now.
You are Happiness. You are Peace. You are Freedom.
Do not entertain any notions that you are in trouble.
Be Kind to Yourself.
Open to your Heart and Simply Be.

Andrey K shared a Mooji quote         SHARE URL


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Before true knowledge reveals itself,
ignorance needs to be fully swept aside.
Wisdom will not reveal itself while there is investment in the unreal,
for that portion of energy will continue creating divisions and distractions
in order to avoid or delay seeing what truly Is.
Such is the nature of the psychological mind.

Jo Anne shared a Guru Padmasambhava quote         SHARE URL

Guru Padmasambhava

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May I recognize all the manifestations
that appear to me in the bardo (intermediate state)
as being my own projections;
emanations of my own mind.

Jo Anne shared a Guru Padmasambhava quote         SHARE URL

Guru Padmasambhava

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When you recognize the nature of mind, fabrication and effort are naturally freed.

Jo Anne shared a Guru Padmasambhava quote         SHARE URL

Guru Padmasambhava

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You may try to support your family and friends, but at the time of death all other actions besides the virtuous practices of Dharma activities will have been pointless. So constantly apply yourself to spiritual practices in thought, word, and deed!

Jo Anne shared a Guru Padmasambhava quote         SHARE URL

Guru Padmasambhava

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The non-created, self-radiant wisdom being actionless, immaculate, and transcendent over acceptance and rejection, is itself the perfect practice.

Jo Anne shared a Guru Padmasambhava quote         SHARE URL

Guru Padmasambhava

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To be a meditator doesn’t simply mean to live in a cave; it means to train oneself in the true meaning [of the natural state].

Jo Anne shared a Guru Padmasambhava quote         SHARE URL

Guru Padmasambhava

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To be diligent doesn’t mean to engage in various restless activities; it means to exert oneself in the means of leaving samsaric existence behind.

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