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Robert Q shared a Anthony De Mello quote         SHARE URL

Anthony De Mello

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We see people and things not as they are, but as we are.

Robert Q shared a Deepak Chopra quote         SHARE URL

Deepak Chopra

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The secret of attraction is to love yourself. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor others. They are open to gestures of love. They think about love, and express their love in every action. They know that love is not a mere sentiment, but the ultimate truth at the heart of the universe.

Robert Q shared a Papaji quote         SHARE URL


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To find permanent joy, you must look in the right direction. You will not find it in any outside object. Every object will rise, stay, and then cease. You have to look somewhere else for permanent, eternal joy. Don't attribute joy to something else, be it a person, the sun, moon, or stars.

Stop this tendency of going to outside objects, whatever they may be. Stop your mind from going in any direction outside. Then you must return to your inner beauty. That is your own nature: bliss eternal, which you have never felt.

Robert Q shared a Annamalai Swami quote         SHARE URL

Annamalai Swami

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Remember that nothing that happens in the mind is 'you', and none of it is your business. You don't have to worry about the thoughts that rise up inside you. It is enough that you remember that the thoughts are not you.

Robert Q shared a Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi quote         SHARE URL

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi

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By silence, eloquence is meant...it is the best language. There is a state when words cease and silence prevails.

Robert Q shared a Mooji quote         SHARE URL


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You say, 'I want to get out of this mind trap,’
but the 'I' itself is the trap!
But for whom? Consider, reflect, observe.
It is very elusive but if you can catch him, and you can, the whole superstructure of ill-conceived notions about the Self will begin crumbling. If your Heart and mind are dedicated to Truth, all this, the realisation of Truth, will come to you!

Robert Q shared a Osho quote         SHARE URL


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Someone asked Osho: " If one were to make only one new year's resolution, what would you suggest?" Osho : " This and only this can be the new year's resolution: I resolve never to make any resolutions because all resolutions are restrictions for the future. All resolutions are imprisonments. You decide today for tomorrow? You have destroyed tomorrow. Allow the tomorrow to have its own being. Let it come in its own way! Let it bring its own gifts. "Resolution means you will allow only this and you will not allow that. Resolution means you would like the sun to rise in the west and not in the east. If it rises in the east, you will not open your windows; you will keep your windows open to the west. What is resolution? Resolution is struggle. Resolution is ego. Resolution is saying, "I cannot live spontaneously." And if you cannot live spontaneously, you don't live at all -- you only pretend. "So let only one resolution be there: I will never make any resolutions. Drop all resolutions! Let life be a natural spontaneity.

Robert Q shared a Robert Adams quote         SHARE URL

Robert Adams

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There’s no fear.
Fear only comes when you believe the world to be real.
When the world proves to be an illusion, where is there fear?
What in the world can upset you, if you know the world is but a dream?

Robert Q shared a Adyashanti quote         SHARE URL


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We must leave the entire collection of conditioned thought behind and let ourselves be led by the inner thread of silence into the unknown, beyond where all paths end, to that place where we go innocently or not at all—not once but continually.

Robert Q shared a Lao Tzu quote         SHARE URL

Lao Tzu

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To all appearances he is a fool.
His steps leave no trace.
He has no power.
He achieves nothing.
He has no reputation.
Since he judges no one, no one judges him
Such is the perfect man.
His boat is empty.

Robert Q shared a The Upanishads quote         SHARE URL

The Upanishads

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Who sees all beings in his own Self, and his own Self in all beings, loses all fear.

Robert Q shared a Satya Narayan Goenka quote         SHARE URL

Satya Narayan Goenka

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When one experiences truth, the madness of finding fault with others disappears.

Robert Q shared a Shirdi Sai Baba quote         SHARE URL

Shirdi Sai Baba

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Before you speak, ask yourself: Is it kind, is it true, is it necessary, does it improve upon the silence?

Robert Q shared a Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi quote         SHARE URL

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi

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In the ecstasy of devotion one may sing and one may dance, but it is mouna (silence) that bestows liberation.

Open your eyes! Know the light that shines through your eyes; shine in the Heart as the greatest of all lights, which transcends all thought.

-Padamalai, pp. 195; 63

Robert Q shared a Hafiz quote         SHARE URL


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A thousand times I have ascertained and found it to be true.
The affairs of this world are really nothing into nothing.

Still though, we should dance.

Robert Q shared a Henry David Thoreau quote         SHARE URL

Henry David Thoreau

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Don Miguel Ruiz, Toltec Shaman and author of the New York Times bestselling book The Four Agreements

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You are an Artist of the Spirit. Find yourself and express yourself in your own particular way. Express your love openly. Life is nothing but a dream, and if you create your life with love, your dream becomes a masterpiece of art.

Robert Q shared a Jeff Foster quote         SHARE URL

Jeff Foster

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When we stop distracting ourselves, and courageously dive into the heart of any feeling, positive or negative, right or wrong, we rediscover the vast ocean of who we are. Every feeling is made of unspeakable intelligence.

Robert Q shared a Robert Adams quote         SHARE URL

Robert Adams

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You don’t have to set aside a time for meditation. You can do it while you’re driving your car, while you’re at work, while you’re playing music. Just be aware of yourself, of who you really are, and realize the rest is a projection of your mind.

Robert Q shared a Jesus Christ quote         SHARE URL

Jesus Christ

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The kingdom is within you and outside you. When you know yourselves, you will be known, and you will know you are children of the living father. But if you do not know yourselves, you live in poverty and you yourselves are the poverty.

Robert Q shared a Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj quote         SHARE URL

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

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At every moment whatever comes to you unasked, comes from God and will surely help you, if you make the fullest use of it. It is only what you strive for, out of your own imagination and desire, that gives you trouble.

Robert Q shared a Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj quote         SHARE URL

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

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Robert Q shared a Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj quote         SHARE URL

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

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Assiduously watch your ever-changing life, probe deeply into the motives beyond your actions and you will soon prick the bubble in which you are enclosed. A chick needs the shell to grow, but a day comes when the shell must be broken. If it is not, there will be suffering and death.

Robert Q shared a Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj quote         SHARE URL

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

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The consciousness in you and the consciousness in me, apparently two, really one, seek unity and that is love.

Robert Q shared a Papaji quote         SHARE URL


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No tension, no intention, simply attention.
No struggle between the in and the out, just stay relaxed and at ease.

Robert Q shared a Osho quote         SHARE URL


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Falling in love, you remain a child, rising in love you become mature. By and by love becomes not a relationship, it becomes a state of your being. Not that you are in love- now you are love.

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