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Robert Q shared a Adyashanti quote         SHARE URL


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One of the most important things in life is to be able to find a sense of “inner stability,” because it’s this foundation that allows us to look into the nature of our experience in a clear and objective way. Unless we can find this inner stability in our lives, we’ll always be pushed around by the next experience, by the next thing that happens to us, by the next person or situation that we encounter that is difficult or challenging. Yet, for many of us, a real inner stability—on an emotional and an intellectual level—is very hard to come by.
A helpful analogy for this stability is that it is like the ballast of a boat. Deep in the bottom of every boat is a ballast, which helps prevent the boat from tipping over in the face of the wind. It keeps the boat tracking straight. For a human being, this kind of ballast, or inner stability, comes from our capacity to be open to an interior silence. It’s through this inner silence—this inner stillness—that we find a certain stability, so that we’re not always pushed around by our minds, by the conditioning that[…]

Robert Q shared a Papaji quote         SHARE URL


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We are looking for freedom. What is freedom?

It is not in anything objective. It is neither the creation, nor the creator of this universe, nor the God who is looking after preservation, nor destruction. It is none of that. It is neither the sun, nor the moon, nor the stars, nor the wind. Those are not freedom. No object is freedom. Go on rejecting everything objective from the mind. Freedom is nothing that the mind can conceive or perceive or understand. Finally you will arrive at that which cannot be rejected. Go on rejecting everything that can be rejected, all objects. Get rid of all objectification.

Finally, when you see nothing more to be rejected, the mind will be quiet. Mind will be no-mind: That cannot be described. All description belongs to the objective world only and consciousness cannot be objectified. In the beginning when there was nothing there was consciousness - total consciousness - where no objects and no subjects existed. You are this consciousness.

Starting from the beginning, before the beginning, you are this consciousness. And this consciousness became all that you see. You are this consciousness itself. There are millions of kinds of manifestation existing in consciousness and you have become all this. You are the fountain of all this creation.

For this you do not have to exert or make effort, or search for any way or method or practice. Somehow you have to arrive here. How can you do it? Through adoration of the wisdom of the Self. That s consciousness. Adore your own consciousness with wisdom and you have achieved what you are aspiring for here and now.

Robert Q shared a Papaji quote         SHARE URL


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The scriptures speak of three Holy rivers Within.
These are Existence, Consciousness, and Bliss.
Being beyond thought or effort
they cannot be objectified or subjectified.
They are so dear, so near, behind the retina and before the breath.
You need not see This, you are it.

Robert Q shared a Tao Te Ching quote         SHARE URL

Tao Te Ching

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The tao that can be told
is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named
is not the eternal Name.

The unnameable is the eternally real.
Naming is the origin
of all particular things.

Free from desire, you realize the mystery.
Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations.

Yet mystery and manifestations
arise from the same source.
This source is called darkness.

Darkness within darkness.
The gateway to all understanding.

Robert Q shared a Rumi, 13th century Sufi poet and Mystic quote         SHARE URL

Rumi, 13th century Sufi poet and Mystic

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Fall in Love with the agony not the ecstacy,
then the Beloved will fall in Love with you.

Robert Q shared a Robert Adams quote         SHARE URL

Robert Adams

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I want to let you in on a little secret. There are no problems. There are no problems. There never were any problems, there are no problems today, and there will never be any problems. Problems just mean that the world isn't turning the way you want it to. But in truth, there are no problems. Everything is unfolding as it should. Everything is right. You have to forget about yourself and expand your consciousness until you become the whole universe. The reality in back of the universe is pure awareness. It has no problems. And you are that.

If you identify with your body, then there's a problem, because your body always gets into trouble of some kind. But if you learn to forget about your body and your mind, where is there a problem? In other words, leave your body alone. Take just enough care of it. Exercise it a little, feed it right foods, but don't think about it too much. Keep your mind on reality. Merge your mind with reality, and you will experience reality. You will live in a world without problems. The world may appear to have problems to others, but not to you. You will see things differently, from a higher point of view.

Robert Q shared a Mooji quote         SHARE URL


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Stop right here!
Don't think more - it is quite enough.
Don't say more - it is quite enough.
Don't strive more - it is quite enough.
Now, don't touch any idea of moving forward, - simply rest as This, as it is, Without that, as it could be. Now drop the idea of being This.

Robert Q shared a Eckhart Tolle quote         SHARE URL

Eckhart Tolle

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You are not IN the universe, you ARE the universe.
An intrinsic part of it. Ultimately you are not a person.
But a focal point where the universe is becoming conscious of itself. What an amazing miracle.

Robert Q shared a Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi quote         SHARE URL

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi

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The Self is like a powerful magnet within us. It draws us gradually to Itself, though we imagine we are going to It of our own accord: when we are near enough, It puts an end to our activities, makes us still, and then swallows up our personal current, thus killing our wrong personality. It overwhelms the intellect and overfloods the whole being. We think we are meditating upon It and developing towards It, whereas the truth is that we are iron filings and It is the Atman-magnet that is pulling us towards Itself. Thus the process of finding the Self is a form of Divine magnetism.

Robert Q shared a Tao Te Ching quote         SHARE URL

Tao Te Ching

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Look, and it can’t be seen.
Listen, and it can’t be heard.
Reach, and it can’t be grasped.

Above, it isn’t bright.
Below, it isn’t dark.
Seamless, unnamable,
it returns to the realm of nothing.
Form that includes all forms,
image without an image,
subtle, beyond all conception.

Approach it and there is no beginning;
follow it and there is no end.
You can’t know it, but you can be it,
at ease in your own life.
Just realize where you come from:
this is the essence of wisdom.

Robert Q shared a Anthony De Mello quote         SHARE URL

Anthony De Mello

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Happiness is our natural state. Happiness is the natural state of little children, to whom the kingdom belongs until they have been polluted and contaminated by the stupidity of society and culture. To acquire happiness you don’t have to do anything, because happiness cannot be acquired. Does anybody know why? Because we have it already!! How can you acquire what you already have? Then why don’t you experience it? Because you’ve got to drop something. You’ve got to drop illusions. You don’t have to add anything in order to be happy; you’ve got to drop something. Life is easy, life is delightful. It’s only hard on your illusions, your ambitions, your greed, your cravings. Do you know where these things come from? From having identified with all kinds of labels!

Robert Q shared a J.Krishnamurti quote         SHARE URL


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Death is extraordinarily like life, when we know how to live. You cannot live without dying. You cannot live if you do not die psychologically every minute.

Robert Q shared a Thich Nhat Hanh quote         SHARE URL

Thich Nhat Hanh

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We should be aware. The most basic precept of all is to be aware of what we do, what we are, each minute.

Robert Q shared a Lao Tzu quote         SHARE URL

Lao Tzu

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Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force.

Robert Q shared a Tao Te Ching quote         SHARE URL

Tao Te Ching

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Empty your mind of all thoughts.
Let your heart be at peace.
Watch the turmoil of beings,
but contemplate their return.

Each separate being in the universe
returns to the common source.
Returning to the source is serenity.

If you don’t realize the source,
you stumble in confusion and sorrow.
When you realize where you come from,
you naturally become tolerant,
disinterested, amused,
kindhearted as a grandmother,
dignified as a king.
Immersed in the wonder of the Tao,
you can deal with whatever life brings you,
and when death comes, you are ready.

Robert Q shared a Rumi, 13th century Sufi poet and Mystic quote         SHARE URL

Robert Q shared a Chuang Tzu quote         SHARE URL

Chuang Tzu

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Do not seek fame. Do not make plans. Do not be absorbed by activities. Do not think that you know. Be aware of all that is, and dwell in the infinite. Wander where there is no path. Be all that heaven gave you, but act as though you have recieved nothing. Be empty, that is all.

Andrey K shared a Mooji quote         SHARE URL


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This is your Golden Age
of coming Home to your own Self.
Put down this heavy rucksack of the past.
Even if it’s beautiful put it down.

Don't know anything about yourself,
because everything you seem to know
becomes a kind of a limitation.
Just be.

Robert Q shared a Adyashanti quote         SHARE URL


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If you are a true seeker of liberation you’ve got to be willing to stand alone. At the moment of Liberation everything falls away…everything. Suddenly the ground beneath your feet is gone, and you are alone. You are alone because you have directly realized that there is no other, there is no separation. There is only you, only Self, only limitless emptiness, pure consciousness.

To the mind, the ego, this appears terrifying. When the mind looks at limitlessness and infinity, it projects meaninglessness and despair. To the ego Absolute Freedom can look terrifying. But when the mind is let go of, the view changes from meaningless despair and fear to the unending joy and wonder of Liberation.

In Liberation, you stand alone. You stand alone because you need no supports of any kind. You need no supports because you have realized that the very notion of a separate you no longer exists; that there is nothing to support; that the whole ego experience was a flimsy illusion. So you stand alone but never, never lonely because everywhere you look, all you see is That, and You are That.

Robert Q shared a Shunryu Suzuki quote         SHARE URL

Shunryu Suzuki

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In your practice you should accept everything as it is, giving to each thing the same respect given to a Buddha. Then Buddha bows to Buddha, and you bow to yourself. This is the true bow.

Robert Q shared a Aldous Huxley quote         SHARE URL

Aldous Huxley

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There’s only one effectively redemptive sacrifice, the sacrifice of self-will to make room for the knowledge of God.

Robert Q shared a Osho quote         SHARE URL


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Many times I say learn the art of love, but what I really mean is: Learn the art of removing all that hinders love. It is a negative process. It is like digging a well: You go on removing many layers of earth, stones, rocks, and then suddenly there is water. The water was always there; it was an undercurrent. Now you have removed all the barriers, the water is available. So is love: Love is the undercurrent of your being. It is already flowing, but there are many rocks, many layers of earth to be removed. That’s what I mean when I say learn the art of love. It is really not learning love but unlearning the ways of unlove.

Robert Q shared a Rumi, 13th century Sufi poet and Mystic quote         SHARE URL

Rumi, 13th century Sufi poet and Mystic

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Don't look for me in a human shape,
I am inside your looking.

Robert Q shared a Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi quote         SHARE URL

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi

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Realise that the scenes that expand before you in the form of the world are just concepts of the mind. Otherwise, see the world as the form of God.

Those who ask 'where is God? He is not visible,' should enquire `Who am I? Where am I? and meet God there [ where the answer is found ]

To see him is to be consumed by him. Without turning inwards and merging in the lord, His light that shines within the mind and lends it all the light, how can we know the Light of Lights with the borrowed light of the mind?

Robert Q shared a The Sutra of Hui Neng quote         SHARE URL

The Sutra of Hui Neng

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Two monks were arguing about a flag, and the Sixth Chan Patriarch [Hui Neng] overheard them.

First monk: “The flag is moving.”

Second monk: “The wind is moving.”

The Sixth Patriarch: “Not the wind, not the flag. Mind is moving.”

Robert Q shared a Lao Tzu quote         SHARE URL

Lao Tzu

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Nothing in the world
is as soft and yielding as water.
Yet for dissolving the hard and inflexible,
nothing can surpass it.
The soft overcomes the hard;
the gentle overcomes the rigid.
Everyone knows this is true,
but few can put it into practice.
Therefore the Master remains
serene in the midst of sorrow.
Evil cannot enter her heart.
Because she has given up helping,
she is people’s greatest help.
True words seem paradoxical.

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