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Jo Anne shared a Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya quote         SHARE URL

Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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This [Self] is the underlying Essence of every substance;
So how can you find distinctions in the one Existence?
There is no object of perception outside of Itself;
Why lament, then, O mind? I'm the same Self in all.

Chapter 5, Verse 30

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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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The Self is neither substantial nor insubstantial;
It is neither identical, nor not identical, to the world.
It's beyond both enquiry and abstention from enquiry;
Why lament, then, O mind? I'm the same Self in all.

Chapter 5, Verse 29

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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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Beyond pleasure and pain, I'm the same Self in all;
Here, neither sorrow nor gladness exists.
In the supreme Reality, there is neither Guru nor disciple;
Why lament, then, O mind? I'm the same Self in all.

Chapter 5, Verse 28

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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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Here, I'm unattracted to either virtue or vice;
Here, I'm unattracted to either form or formlessness.
Here, I'm unatttracted to either dispassion or desire;
Why lament, then, O mind? I'm the same Self in all.

Chapter 5, Verse 27

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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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The one Purity, like space, is equally in all;
Transcending all forms, I'm the same Self in all.
Whether there are forms or no forms, the Essence remains the same;
Why lament, then, O mind? I'm the same Self in all.

Chapter 5, Verse 26

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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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Here is no difference between embodied and bodiless;
To the Supreme, the subtle and gross states are the same.
The Supreme is the same whether It's named or unnamed;
Why lament, then, O mind? I'm the same Self in all.

Chapter 5, Verse 25

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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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Here, time and timelessness cease to exist.
Here, atoms and particles cease to exist.
Only the absolute Reality never ceases to exist.
Why lament, then, O mind? I'm the same Self in all.

Chapter 5, Verse 24

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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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I'm neither in bondage nor in freedom; I'm always the same.
I'm neither united nor separated; I'm always the same.
I possess neither knowledge nor ignorance; I'm always the same.
Why lament, then, O mind? I'm the same Self in all.

Chapter 5, Verse 23

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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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If everything is eternal, everything is myself.
If only the Stainless, the Immutable, exists, everything is myself.
Whether daytime or night-time, everything is myself;
Why lament, then, O mind? I'm the same Self in all.

Chapter 5, Verse 22

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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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Here, everything is eternal; everything is Consciousness.
Here' only the Immutable exists; everything is Consciousness.
Without any exception, everything is Consciousness.
Why lament, then, O mind? I'm the same Self in all.

Chapter 5, Verse 21

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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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If I'm always the same, beyond caste and tastelessness;
If I'm always the same, beyond cause and effect;
If I'm always the same, beyond division and non-division;
Why lament, then, O mind? I'm the same Self in all.

Chapter 5, Verse 20

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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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There's no state of liberation and no state of bondage;
There's no state of virtue, and no state of sin.
There's no state of perfection and no state of imperfection;
Why lament, then, O mind? I'm the same Self in all.

Chapter 5, Verse 19

Andrey K shared a Sri Samartha Siddharameshwar Maharaj quote         SHARE URL

Sri Samartha Siddharameshwar Maharaj

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The dream within the dream is your thinking about what is Essential and what is non-essential, and when you realize that you are the Self, Atman, then you have this experience...

You felt that the world is illusory. You felt that you are awake and that it is your waking state. You felt that you have obtained 'experience,' but still, your confusion, your illusion, is persisting as it was. You are yet talking about things in the dream.

When there is true awakening, all the sense of 'being' disappears. Even the sense that you are the Self, also dissolves.

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Sri Samartha Siddharameshwar Maharaj

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The devotee actually is God. What do you mean when you say that he has "become" God? The concept of "one's self" is an illusion. There is only One Self in the world. Regardless of whether you say serpent or scorpion, all are only Brahman. The world appearance consists of the five elements, and the one Self, and all of this is only God. This gives us the "Glory" of non-division, non-duality, and the non-worrying state, and all of this virtue is One, and it comes all at once. Illusion has taken our possession (that of knowing our True Identity). Therefore, we have become unhappy. The signs of the "Realization of Brahman" are the sense of peace, absence of anxiety, full contentment, and an extraordinary feeling of bliss. What is being experienced as joy or bliss within becomes evident in the organs, skin, and face. The peace and contentment which completely fills Consciousness will be expressed outwardly. In other words, the spreading of light out through the windows, from the lamp that is lit inside. The "Glory" is the absence of anxiety in the mental field.

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Sri Samartha Siddharameshwar Maharaj

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The Bird's Way
The way of meditation is a long arduous path while the Bird's Way is a clear direct path of Self investigation, Self exploration, and using thought or concepts as an aid to understanding and Self-Realization. Sometimes this approach is also called the Reverse Path. What Reverse Path indicates is the turning around of one's attention away from objectivity to the more subjective sense of one's Beingness. With the Bird's Way, first one's mind must be made subtle. This is generally done with some initial meditation on a mantra or phrase which helps the aspirant to step beyond the mental/conceptual body, using a concept to go beyond conceptualization.

Jo Anne shared a Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya quote         SHARE URL

Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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Indiscrimination? Discrimination? This is ignorance.
Mindlessness? Mindfulness? This is ignorance.
If only the eternal One is seen: this is knowledge.
Why lament, then, O mind? I'm the same Self in all.

Chapter 5, Verse 18

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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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Here, everyone is the same conscious Soul;
Here, everyone is the one eternal Soul.
Here, only the one undivided Soul exists;
Why lament, then, O mind? I'm the same Self in all.

Chapter 5, Verse 17

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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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Unchanging? Changing? Neither is the truth.
Purposeless? Purposeful? Neither is the truth.
If only the Self is perceived: that is the truth.
Why lament, then, O mind? I'm the same Self in all.

Chapter 5, Verse 16

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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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I'm not a vessel, a temple, a house, or a sheath;
Here, without association or dissociation, I am the supreme Reality.
Here, without knowledge or ignorance, I am the supreme Reality;
Why lament, then, O mind? I'm the same Self in all.

Chapter 5, Verse 15

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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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Here, Reality is not divided into sub-realities (tattvas);
Here is neither union nor separation.
Even if everything disappears, I'm the same Self in all.
Why lament, then, O mind? I'm the same Self in all.

Chapter 5, Verse 14

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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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Here is neither existence nor non-existence;
Here is neither desire nor desirelessness;
Here, the wisdom that's learned is freedom and equality.
Why lament, then, O mind? I'm the same Self in all.

Chapter 5, Verse 13

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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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Neither the gunas nor anything else can bind me;
How could I be bound by actions in this life or in the after-life?
I'm the pure, stainless Self, the same within all;
Why lament, then, O mind? I'm the same Self in all.

Chapter 5, Verse 12

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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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The Self is beyond form and formlessness, is It not?
It is beyond division and non-division, is It not?
It is beyond creation and the absence of creation, is It not?
Why lament, then, O mind? I'm the same Self in all.

Chapter 5, Verse 11

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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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There's no disciple or non-disciple in the one Reality;
There's no one evolving, and no one not-evolving;
Here, in the state of Unity, everyone is eternally free.
Why lament, then, O mind? I'm the same Self in all.

Chapter 5, Verse 10

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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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There's no distinction such as "divided" or "undivided";
There's no distinction such as "within" or "without";
Beyond the distinction of "enemy" or "friend," I'm the same Self in all.
Why lament, then, O mind? I'm the same Self in all.

Chapter 5, Verse 9

Andrey K shared a Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi quote         SHARE URL

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi

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A KING WAS passing through a forest in all pomp and pageantry, with his army and retinue behind him. He came across a man with not even a cod-piece on, lying on the ground, with one leg cocked over the other. He was laughing away, apparently supremely happy, contented with himself and all the world. The king was struck with the man’s happy state and sent for him. But when the king’s men approached the nude ascetic and delivered the king’s message, he took absolutely no notice and continued in his ascetic bliss.

On being told of this, the king himself went to the man and even then the man took no notice. Thereupon it struck the king that this must be no common man, and said, ‘Swami, you are evidently supremely happy. May we know what is the secret of such happiness and from which guru you learnt it?’

Thereupon the ascetic told the king, ‘I have had twenty-four gurus. Everything, this body, the earth, the birds, some instruments, some persons, all have taught me’. All the things in the world may be classed as either good or bad. The good taught him what he must seek. Similarly, the bad taught him what he must avoid. The ascetic was Dattatreya, the avadhuta.

- Spiritual Stories as told by Ramana Maharshi

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