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Jo Anne shared a Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya quote         SHARE URL

Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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His attainment is beyond attaining or non-attaining;
His state is beyond that of union or separation;
He's continually established in the one stainless Reality.
How can the Avadhut either speak or not speak?

Saptamo adhyayah
Chapter 7, Verse 2

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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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A patched rag from the roadside serves as a shawl
To the Avadhut, who has no sense of pride or shame.
Naked, he sits in an empty shack,
Immersed in the pure, stainless bliss of the Self.

Saptamo adhyayah
Chapter 7, Verse 1

Andrey K shared a Mahayogi Pilot Baba quote         SHARE URL

Mahayogi Pilot Baba

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Truth of life cannot be " NO ", neither can it be the ultimatel goal. Because creation does not exist in "NO" but exists in "YES". Because the flow of the life is in "YES". To live with "YES" (Sanyasa) means that one is ready to dissolve into the existence, that the dew drop is ready to drop into the ocean. But the moment the dew drop drops into the ocean, it also becomes the ocean.

Go beyond "NO" try to reach to the ultimate "YES"

Andrey K shared a Mahayogi Pilot Baba quote         SHARE URL

Mahayogi Pilot Baba

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One birth is given by your parents
Another birth you have to manage by yourself.
The first birth is going to end up in death
The second birth is the beginning of ETERNITY - no death - no end - no beginning

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Mahayogi Pilot Baba

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Drop everything that has come from outside,
Throw it out -
Suddenly you will find your mind is giving way into no-mind.
You have only to drop the rubbish.
Your body is only a temple.
Your subjectivity - is a silent , peaceful, just an empty space - is the very source you have come from and is the very goal - are going towards.
When the source and the goal meet, you are enlightened - the whole circle, the whole piligrimage is complete.

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Mahayogi Pilot Baba

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Remember that only individuals have ever become enlightened.

Others have become a part of a crowd as a Hindu, as a Christian, as a Muslim. Crowds never become enlightened. Only individuals - only those people who have guts and courage to be alone - are capable of stopping the movement of the mind and can settle into their inner innocence.

The deeper you go within yourself the purer the sources of consciousness that you will find.

When you reach to the very centre of your being, you have reached to the center of the Universe. Then blossoms wisdom, you become a sage - a Realised one.

Evgeny shared a Osho quote         SHARE URL


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'From 4 October 1987, Osho is seriously ill and nearly dies. On 6 November resuming discourses, Osho discloses that his doctors believe he was poisoned while in the custody of the United States government:
"My beloved ones,
I have been away from you much too long. It has been a very painful absence for me. For seven weeks continuously I have been only filled with your love, your patience, your thirst, your longing.
These days were remarkable in many ways. Seven weeks before, I was infected in the ear. It was a simple thing; according to the best expert available here, Dr. Jog, it cures in four days at the most—but it continued for seven weeks. He has never come across such a case in his life. He could not believe it, because no medicine was working. He tried all kinds of medicines, all kinds of ointments. Finally he had to do an operation, but then the wound of the operation was not healing. Doctor Devageet thought perhaps it was something to do with my teeth—he is my dental surgeon—but nothing was found.
My personal physician, Dr. Amrito, immediately informed all sannyasin doctors around the world and asked them to contact the best experts about poisoning, because his own analysis was that unless I have been poisoned there is no possibility to explain why my body has lost all resistance.
And as this idea became stronger in his mind, step by step he started searching into the matter and he found all the symptoms that can happen only if some kind of poison has been given to me.
I myself had been suspicious about it, but I have never mentioned the fact to anybody. The day I was arrested in America for no valid or even invalid reason, they refused to bail me out—although the United States attorney argued for three days and concluded in the end by saying, "I have not been able to prove anything against him, but neither has the other party been able to prove anything."
It was hilarious, because the innocent cannot prove his innocence by any means, and no law in the whole world requires that an innocent person should prove his innocence. The burden was on the government of America, which had arrested me, to prove the reason for my arrest….
Now, Dr. Amrito feels I was poisoned. Perhaps they poisoned me in all the six jails; that was the purpose of not giving me bail and that was the purpose in taking twelve days to complete a journey of six hours. A slow poisoning which will not kill me immediately, but in the long run it will make me weak—and it has made me weak.
Since those twelve days in the American prisons, all sleep has disappeared. Many things started to happen in the body which were not happening before: disappearance of all appetite, food seeming to be absolutely without taste, a churning feeling in the stomach, nausea, a desire to vomit…no feeling of thirst, but a tremendous sense as if one is uprooted.
Something in the nervous system also seems to have been affected. At times there has been a sensation of tingling all over the body which was very strong—particularly in both my hands—and a twitching of the eyelids.
The day I entered the jail I was one hundred and fifty pounds; today I am only one hundred and thirty pounds. My food is the same, but I have been losing weight for no reason at all. And a subtle weakness…And just three months ago, the bone in my right hand started hurting tremendously.
These are all symptoms of certain poisons. My hair has fallen, my eyesight has become weaker, my beard has become as white as my father's beard was when he was seventy-five. They have taken away almost twenty years of my life.
Dr. Amrito immediately informed all the doctors who are my sannyasins to approach all the best poison experts in the world. And one of the doctors, Dr. Dhyan Yogi, immediately took my blood samples, urine samples, samples of my hair, and went to England, to Germany, to the best experts. The European experts suggest that after two years there is no poison which can be detected in the body, but all the symptoms show that a certain poison has been given.
No resistance against disease, falling weight without any reason, hair becoming white before its time, hair falling out without any reason, tingling sensations in the extremities, loss of appetite, tastelessness, nausea, the bone pain in my right hand…One of the experts, a doctor from Germany had come twice to check my bone; he could not figure out what kind of disease it is—because there is no disease. The expert here—Dr. Hardikar, a man who loves me—has been here continuously watching for three months and has not been able to figure out why this pain should be there.
The European experts in England and Germany have suggested a name of a certain poison, thallium. It is a poison of a family of poisons of heavy metals. It disappears from the body in eight weeks' time, but leaves its effects and destroys the body's resistance against diseases. And all the symptoms that I have told you are part of thallium poisoning.
The American experts have suggested a different poison which they think has been used by governments against rebellious individuals. The name of the poison is synthetic heroin. It is one thousand times more dangerous than ordinary heroin. All the symptoms are the same as with thallium, but the poison is more dangerous and after two years there is no possibility to find any trace of it in the body.
The Japanese experts, who have been working in Hiroshima and Nagasaki on atomic radioactivity, have suggested that these symptoms can also be created in a more sophisticated way by radioactive exposure—either while I was asleep, or food can be exposed to radioactivity and there is no way to find any trace of it.
One of the scientists who is immensely interested in me is coming within a week or two. He has been working for twenty years only on radioactivity. His suggestion is that the Americans, the bureaucracy in America, must have used the most sophisticated poisoning which leaves no trace.
Dr. Amrito's own research…and he is a genius as far as medical science is concerned. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Physicians in England, and he is a rare individual in the sense that he is the youngest man ever accepted by the Royal Society of Physicians as a member. He has all the highest qualifications. His own research is about a fourth, very uncommonly used poison. The name of the poison is fluorocarbon. This poison disappears immediately. Even within minutes, you cannot find any trace in the blood, in the urine, but all these symptoms indicate towards it.
It does not matter which poison has been given to me, but it is certain that I have been poisoned by Ronald Reagan's American government.
There is other circumstantial evidence for it….*
It is absolutely certain that I had been poisoned, and these seven weeks I have been in an immense struggle.
I don't have any reason to live in the world. I have experienced, I have realized the very essence of eternal life, but something else forces me to linger on a little more on this shore before leaving for the further shore beyond.
It is you, it is your love.
It is your eyes, it is your hearts.
And when I say `you' I don't mean only those who are present here; I also mean all those who are spread all over the earth—my people.
I would like these small sprouts to become trees. I would like to see the spring come to you all, the flowering of your ultimate being, the blissfulness and the ecstasy of enlightenment, the taste of the beyond.
These seven weeks you were not aware…you were simply thinking I was sick. Doctor Premda, my eye surgeon, had immediately rushed from Germany with the recentmost medications, but nothing helped against the poisons except my meditations—the only medicine that can transcend all that belongs to matter.
These seven weeks I have been lying in darkness almost the whole day and night, silently witnessing the body and keeping my consciousness unshadowed by anything.
I was struggling with death.
It was a fight between death and your love.
And you should celebrate that your love has been victorious.
This time Jesus has been crucified in America by Christians themselves.
The story is repeated again. I was crucified—this time in America…and these seven weeks I have been struggling against the poison.
And I am happy to declare to you that the crucifixion is over and I am resurrected.
It is symbolic that Jesus is crucified this time in America and is resurrected in India. It is symbolic in many dimensions. It is the victory of love over hate. It is the victory of life over death. It is the victory of East over West. It is the victory of truth over criminals like Ronald Reagan. It is the victory of consciousness over body.
These seven weeks I have been only thinking of you.
It would have been immensely painful for me to leave you in this beautiful state when you have started growing upwards.
My garden is still a nursery.
I would leave the body rejoicingly the day I see you all have blossomed and you have released your fragrance and you have attained your destiny. The day I see the great pilgrimage—from here to here, from crucifixion to resurrection—is over for you all then I can go with a dancing heart and melt into the universal consciousness.
And I will be waiting there for you still.
It is certainly of tremendous importance that even after twenty centuries a man like Jesus will be crucified by Christians themselves. It was a conspiracy of the fundamentalist Christians of America and Ronald Reagan.
Perhaps civilization is still an idea—it has not happened in reality.
I would like my people to transform themselves and through them I would like to bring authentic civilization and humanity to this beautiful planet.
There is only one religion, and that is the religion of love.
There is only one God, and that is the God of celebration, of life, of rejoicing.
This whole earth is one and the whole humanity is one. We are parts of each other.
I have no complaint against those who have poisoned me. I can forgive them easily. They certainly do not know what they go on doing.
It is said that history repeats itself. It is not history that repeats itself; it is the unconsciousness of man, the blindness of man that repeats itself. The day man will be conscious, alert and aware, there will not be any repetition anymore. Socrates will not be poisoned, Jesus will not be crucified, Al-Hillaj Mansoor will not be murdered and butchered. And these are our best flowers, they are our highest peaks. They are our destinies, they are our future. They are our intrinsic potential which has become actual.
I am sure you will not have any anger in your hearts or any hatred for anyone, but just an understanding and a loving forgiveness.
That is the only authentic prayer. And only this kind of prayerfulness can raise humanity to higher levels of consciousness.
I have absolute inner certainty: they may have been able to poison my body, my nervous system, but they cannot destroy my consciousness, they cannot poison my being. And it was good that they have given me a chance to see myself beyond my body, beyond my mind.
These seven weeks have been a fire test. Without your knowing you have always, each moment of these seven weeks, been a tremendous help to me. Without your love it would not have been possible for me to overcome the poison, because without your love there would be no need for me even to struggle. I am fulfilled and absolutely contented; I have arrived home. But I see you are stumbling, groping, and it will be very heartless and uncompassionate for me to leave you in this situation. I would like in all your lives a sunrise, the birds singing and the flowers opening. Other than that, I don't have any reason to be here at all.
Remember it: I am here for you.
That remembrance will help you not to go astray. That remembrance will help you to be aware of the uncivilized world in which we are living, in this madhouse that we call humanity. It will go on reminding you that we have to give birth to a new man and to a new humanity.
This is the tremendous challenge. Those who have guts and intelligence and a desire and a longing to touch the farthest stars…only those very few people have been able to understand me, have been able to become my fellow travelers. I don't have any followers—I have only lovers and friends and fellow travelers.
I would like you all to reach to the same beatitude, to the same blissfulness, to the same ecstasy that has become my very heartbeat. It is also the heartbeat of the whole universe."

Andrey K shared a Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi quote         SHARE URL

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi

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Andrey K shared a Rumi, 13th century Sufi poet and Mystic quote         SHARE URL

Rumi, 13th century Sufi poet and Mystic

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Love brings the dead back to life. Love transforms the King into a
Love is the consummation of Gnosis. How could a fool sit on such a throne?

Andrey K shared a Osho quote         SHARE URL


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Who knows about what is going to happen tomorrow?
The woman you love or the man you love -- either movement is possible: You may come closer, you may become distant. You may become again strangers or you may become so one with each other that to even say that you are two will not be right; of course there are two bodies, but the heart is one, and the song of the heart if one, and the ecstasy surrounds you both like a cloud. You disappear in that ecstasy: You are not you, I am not I. Love becomes so total, love is so great and overwhelming, that you cannot remain yourself; you have to drown yourself and disappear.
In that disappearance who is going to be attached, and to whom? Everything IS.
When love blossoms in its totality, everything simply is. The fear of tomorrow does not arise; hence there is no question of attachment, clinging, marriage, of any kind of contract, bondage.

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Unless you love, you cannot be of any help. Help cannot be a duty. If it comes out of duty it is ugly, egoistic; it humiliates the other. When. it comes out of love it obliges nobody; it is for the sheer joy of sharing. In fact you feel thankful to the person who accepted your help, because he respected it, he welcomed it–he could have rejected it.

Evgeny shared a Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi quote         SHARE URL

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi

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Between 1899 and 1922, Bhagavan lived in a variety of caves on the Arunachala hill. The hill abounded in monkeys. Bhagavan would refer to the hill as their kingdom and humans as the intruders. Bhagavan was very intimate with the monkeys. He watched them closely, with love and sympathy. He was a jnani, a sarvajna (the Omniscient). Therefore, the love he had for all beings was natural.
He was a keen observer too. He moved closely with monkeys, understood their cries, their conduct and knew the life story of most of them. He observed that they had their own code of conduct, morals and principles of governance. He found that each tribe had its own recognized district, and if another tribe infringed on this, there would be war. But before starting a war, in order to make peace, an ambassador would be sent from one tribe to the other. Monkeys, as a rule would boycott the one that had been cared for by the humans. However, they made an exception in the case of Bhagavan. He would tell the visitors that the monkeys recognized him as one of their community, and was accepted as an arbitrator in their disputes. Whenever there was a misunderstanding or a quarrel, the monkeys would come to Bhagavan and he would find a solution to pacify them and stop their quarreling. He knew about their way of life, attitudes, priorities and their pranks too!
The people of the town called Bhagavan “Koranguswami” (Master of the monkeys) because, they were aware how much the monkeys respected and accepted him as their own. Bhagavan showed great love and compassion towards the monkeys living on Arunachala.
We have a tendency to look down on monkeys. When we refer to the mind we often compare it to a restless and mischievous monkey. However Bhagavan would always speak positively about monkeys and praise their intelligence and agility.
Bhagavan once remarked:
“I have known something about their organization, their kings, laws, regulations. Everything is so perfect and well-organised. So much intelligence behind it all. I even know that tapas is not unknown to monkeys. A monkey who we used to call ‘Mottaipaiyan’ was once oppressed and ill-treated by a gang. He went away into the forest for a few days, did tapas, acquired strength, and returned. When he came back he sat on a bough and shook it. All the rest of the monkeys, who had previously ill-treated him and of whom he was mortally afraid, were now quaking before him. Yes. I am clear that tapas is well known to monkeys.”
Here are some of the incidents reported by the Ashramites and devotees, which show how lovingly Bhagavan interacted with animals, especially with monkeys that lived on the Arunachala hill and in the Ashram.

Andrey K shared a Yeshe Tsogyal quote         SHARE URL

Yeshe Tsogyal

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Wherever there is space, five elements pervade, Wherever the five elements, the homes of living beings, Wherever living beings, karma and defilements, Wherever is defilement, my compassion also. Wherever is the need of beings, there I am to help them.

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Yeshe Tsogyal

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Through the power of spreading the Buddhist teachings, May the lineage holders and Dharma teachers flourish May all beings live in happiness; and May all realms be pure.

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Yeshe Tsogyal

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I, Yeshe Tsogyal, am the sovereign of cyclic existence and its transcendence. If you recognize me, I live in the minds of all beings; I emanate as the natural elements and sense-fields; And I emanate further through the twelve links of dependent origination.

Andrey K shared a Adyashanti quote         SHARE URL


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The teacher can light a fire, but the teacher is not going to complete the process for you. Transmission is most powerful for people who feel a sense of resonance with what is being offered. If the resonance is there, a potential is ignited. Once the potential is woken up, then you need to take responsibility for what’s happening. Don’t just sit around waiting for the teacher or the teacher’s transmission to do it for you, because then you come into a dependent relationship. And as soon as you come into a dependent relationship psychologically or emotionally, the effect of the transmission is dampened down tremendously. It just kills it right on the spot. It’s like putting water on a fire. We need to become responsible for our own transformation because no teacher can in any way do everything for us. We’ve got to do it for ourselves. We’ve got to look for ourselves. Being in the presence of somebody might light a fire spontaneously, but you yourself have to tend that fire.

Jo Anne shared a Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya quote         SHARE URL

Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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In that state where one knows nothing at all,
This versified knowledge doesn't even exist.
So, now, while I'm in the state of samarasa,
I, the Avadhut, have spoken of the supreme Absolute.

Chapter 6, Verse 27

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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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There is no distinction between "embodied" and "bodiless";
"Wrong action," "right action" - neither exists.
Truly, I'm Shiva, the one supreme Self.
How, then, should I worship? To whom should I bow?'

Chapter 6, Verse 26

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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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There has never been any activity or rest;
The one Purity is stainless and motionless, is It not?
Truly, I'm Shiva, the one supreme Self.
How, then, should I worship? To whom should I bow?'

Chapter 6, Verse 25

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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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The division between bodies is only imagined;
The division between places is only imagined.
Truly, I'm Shiva, the one supreme Self.
How, then, should I worship? To whom should I bow?'

Chapter 6, Verse 24

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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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The distinction between Guru and disciple proves illusory;
The Guru's instruction proves illusory as well.
Truly, I'm Shiva, the one supreme Self.
How, then, should I worship? To whom should I bow?'

Chapter 6, Verse 23

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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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Look, there's never even been a you or an I;
All talk about family or caste is untrue.
Truly, I'm Shiva, the one supreme Self.
How, then, should I worship? To whom should I bow?

Chapter 6, Verse 22

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Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya

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In the Self neither delusion nor non-delusion arises;
In the Self neither desire nor desirelessness arises.
If there's only the limitless One, all is Shiva.
How can you think there is such a thing as
indiscrimination or discrimination?

Chapter 6, Verse 21

Jo Anne shared a Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi quote         SHARE URL

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi

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Your thinking that you have to make an effort to get rid of this dream of the waking state and your making efforts to attain jnana or real awakening are all parts of the dream. When you attain jnana you will see there was neither the dream during sleep, nor the waking state, but only yourself and your real state.

Jo Anne shared a Adi Shankara quote         SHARE URL

Adi Shankara

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The moon appears to be running when the clouds move in the sky. Likewise to the non-discriminating person the Atman appears to be active when It is observed through the functions of the sense-organs.

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

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If there were, it would mean that the discovery of the Real depends on the efforts of the individual. The Supreme would not be the Supreme if He were subject to anything at all. He and He alone is at all times. To wear out the veil that occludes the vision of Reality is all that man can do, and that he has got to do.

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