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Robert Q shared a Lalleshwari (1320-1392) quote         SHARE URL

Lalleshwari (1320-1392)

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This body you are fussing over
This body that you are dolling up
This body that you are wearing for the party
This body will end as ash.

Robert Q shared a Lazy Yogi quote         SHARE URL

Lazy Yogi

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No one can make stillness occur. Any attempt to do so means not being still. All you can do is be aware of the ways in which you resist or disturb stillness. Then stop.

Robert Q shared a Herman Hesse quote         SHARE URL

Herman Hesse

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There’s no reality except the one contained within us. That’s why so many people live an unreal life. They take images outside them for reality and never allow the world within them to assert itself.

Robert Q shared a Master Kirpal Singh (1894-1974 quote         SHARE URL

Master Kirpal Singh (1894-1974

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In silence the heart illumines; veil after veil is removed. In the heart shines the Light, and the very silence becomes vocal giving vent to the Music of the Spheres reverberating in all creation.

Robert Q shared a Master Kirpal Singh (1894-1974 quote         SHARE URL

Master Kirpal Singh (1894-1974

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God is the Ocean of utmost and restful silence. So long as we cannot have this restful silence within us, the soul cannot listen to the Voice of silence arising out of the greatest depths of Silence. By following that Voice we can reach the source and fountainhead of the Great Silence called God and be blessed forever.

Robert Q shared a Master Kirpal Singh (1894-1974 quote         SHARE URL

Master Kirpal Singh (1894-1974

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Learn to sit still and be mentally still, and the silence thus generated with be more vocal than words spoken and written; and you will have an instantaneous solution not only to your own personal problems but to the problems of others as well.

Robert Q shared a Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj quote         SHARE URL

Andrey K shared a Bruce Lee quote         SHARE URL

Bruce Lee

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In Buddhism, there is no place for using effort. Just be ordinary and nothing special. Eat your food, move your bowels, pass water and when you're tired go and lie down. The ignorant will laugh at me, but the wise will understand.

Andrey K shared a Bruce Lee quote         SHARE URL

Bruce Lee

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It is compassion rather than the principle of justice which can guard us against being unjust to our fellow men.

Robert Q shared a Byron Katie quote         SHARE URL

Byron Katie

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Robert Q shared a Lao Tzu quote         SHARE URL

Lao Tzu

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All streams flow to the sea
because it is lower than they are.
Humility gives it its power.

Robert Q shared a Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj quote         SHARE URL

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

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You are asking, “Who am I?” and you are not going to get an answer, because the one who will get the answer is false. You may have an idea, a concept, and you will think you have found yourself, but it is only a concept; you can never see your Self.

Robert Q shared a Hafiz quote         SHARE URL


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Do Sad people have in
It seems
They have all built a shrine
To the past
And often go there
And do a strange wail and
What is the beginning of
It is to stop being
So religious
Like That.

Robert Q shared a Thich Nhat Hanh quote         SHARE URL

Thich Nhat Hanh

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Silence is something that comes from your heart, not from outside. Silence doesn’t mean not talking and not doing things; it means that you are not disturbed inside. If you’re truly silent, then no matter what situation you find yourself in, you can enjoy the silence.

Jo Anne shared a Papaji quote         SHARE URL


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Knowledge is of things that are some distance away from you. When there is no distance, there can be no knowledge. By not knowing, by not thinking, by not understanding, you find out something that is no distance away from you.

Andrey K shared a Sri Samartha Siddharameshwar Maharaj quote         SHARE URL

Sri Samartha Siddharameshwar Maharaj

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The greatest evil habit is worldly life. It is called the "Great Addiction". By force of this addiction to worldly life, Paramatman is made to believe that He is an individual, and is compelled to live a worldly life as if in prison. All bad habits can be dropped, but the addiction to mundane life is the most difficult to drop. The wife is dear to her husband so long as she obeys him. The mundane worldly life is called the blindingly dark life. The greatest inticement of Illusion is this mundane life. However great may be one's sorrow, this addiction cannot be dropped. One is greatly lucky if this addiction is dropped. There is only one person who condemns the worldly life, and he is a Saint. Nobody else does that. One does not even think of this earthly life, even if one suffers the utmost difficulties. People try to strengthen their ties with others by speaking to them respectfully and congratulating each other over small things. People compete with each other for earning more honors and status. In this way, they feel that they are happy in life. They act as if this is a respectable bad habit. The God of Death is happy to give you many kinds of bodies and various troubles. Give up the sense of "mine". Know that the body is your enemy. Very few are those who have truly understood. Only those who are lucky enough to receive the blessings of the Guru, who is the Self, can escape from this Illusion by right efforts. All others are bound to the treadmill of life in various incarnations and they make houses of bodies of various shapes and duration.

From "Master of Self-Realization, An Ultimate Understanding", ch. 41

Robert Q shared a Sri Samartha Siddharameshwar Maharaj quote         SHARE URL

Robert Q shared a Mooji quote         SHARE URL


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I don’t know if anybody can swallow the Truth.
You can only be swallowed up by Truth.

Robert Q shared a Adyashanti quote         SHARE URL


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The light of consciousness has no mind to change or alter anything. There is no sense that anything needs to change, but it does change.

Robert Q shared a Jack Kornfield quote         SHARE URL

Jack Kornfield

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The unawakened mind tends to make war against the way things are. To follow a path with heart, we must understand the whole process of making war within ourselves and without, how it begins and how it ends. War’s roots are in ignorance. Without understanding we can easily become frightened by life’s fleeting changes, the inevitable losses, disappointments, the insecurity of our aging and death. Misunderstanding leads us to fight against life, running from pain or grasping at security and pleasures that by their nature can never be satisfying.

Robert Q shared a Bertrand Russell quote         SHARE URL

Bertrand Russell

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So far as I remember, there is not one word in the gospels in praise of intelligence.

Robert Q shared a Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi quote         SHARE URL

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi

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Vichara (investigation) is the process and the goal also.
'I AM' is the goal and the final Reality.
To hold onto it with effort is vichara.
When spontaneous and natural it is Realization.

Jo Anne shared a Mooji quote         SHARE URL


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This Heart doesn't know the concept of enlightenment – it is simply free.

Jo Anne shared a Mooji quote         SHARE URL


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Sometimes you feel you know less and less, but being more and more. You are being more of yourself although you didn't become anything at all. These are paradoxes that cannot be easily explained. Trust. You are coming to the edge of your personal self. You are falling into the abyss of your own Self.
Say inside your Heart: I am up for this. I choose to be free forever.

Robert Q shared a Mooji quote         SHARE URL


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Don't be in front of the mind. Be behind the mind. Then you can observe the mind—if you even care to. As soon as it becomes clear to you that you are outside the bubble of the mind play, you are immediately in a different atmosphere. You are in the atmosphere of the Self and far too joyful to be bothered by as small a thing as the mind.

Jo Anne shared a Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj quote         SHARE URL

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

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The innermost light, shining peacefully and timelessly in the heart, is the real Guru. All others merely show the way.

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