Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi     99 posts

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Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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Our life can be compared to a stay at a hotel. When we enter the hotel, we know that we will have to leave it soon. So, although we enjoy our stay, we are not unhappy when we check out. Our body is like a hotel; we should enter it happily, stay in it happily and, when we leave it, we should do so without grieving.

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Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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Mantras are the purest form of universal vibrations, or shakti, the profundity of which was experienced by the Rishis in deep meditation. Mantra is the power of the universe in seed form. That is why they are known as bijaksharas (seed letters). Having gone through that experience, they offered these pure sounds to humanity. However, verbally encapsulating an experience, particularly the most profound of all experiences, is not so easy. So, the mantras we have are the closest sounds to the universal sound that the compassionate Rishis could verbally create for the benefit of the world. However, the fact still remains that the fullness of a mantra can only be experienced when your. mind attains perfect purity.

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Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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The Master is a skillful sculptor. Sometimes he has to hit parts of the boulder very hard with a hammer and chisel. He gently taps on other areas of the boulder. Some parts need to be completely removed, while other areas just need polishing. Like this, the Sadguru is a divine sculptor who brings out the magnificent sculpture hidden within the boulder.

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Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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You are here [on earth] for a short period, as a visitor.
So is there any meaning in claiming ownership?

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Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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In the olden days, people taught their children the truth of what is permanent and what is fleeting. They taught them that the aim of life is God realization. The children were given an education that enabled them to understand who they were. Nowadays parents encourage their children only to earn money. What is the result? The child doesn't know the parent and the parent doesn't know the child. There is enmity and fighting between them. They may even kill each other for selfish reasons.

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Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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Woman is the creator of the human race. She is the first Guru, the first guide and mentor of humanity. Think of the tremendous forces, either positive or negative, that one human being can unleash upon the world. Each of us has a far-reaching effect on others, whether we are aware of it or not.

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Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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Even if we are loved by every being in the world, that love cannot give us an infinitesimal fraction of the bliss we experience from a momentary taste of God's love. So great is the bliss we get from God's love, my children, that no amount of love can be compared to it.

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Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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Give up something and feel happy about it. Forget that it was ever yours. To think that you have given up something is also wrong. Don’t feel that. Just feel relaxed; be at ease. Realize that you are free—free from that burden. The object was a burden and now it is gone. Only if you can feel the burden of attachment to objects will you be able to feel the relaxation or bliss that comes with detachment and renunciation.

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Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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The happiness that we gain from the outer world is fleeting: it never stays with us for long. It is there one moment and gone the next. But spiritual bliss is not like this. Once the final breakthrough happens, where you transcend the limitations of body, mind and intellect, the bliss is forever and it is infinite. Once you reach that ultimate state, there is no return.

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Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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To turn one's back on people, claiming there is only evil everywhere - that is the way of the lazy. If, instead of talking about the evil of others, we were to do all we could to awaken the goodness within ourselves, then we could give light to others.

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Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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More than economic or technological revolution, an inner revolution that makes us see others as ourselves is the need of the hour. We must strive to love and serve all.

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Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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Discrimination is meant for one who is in the process of evolution. You need strict discrimination to understand the difference between what is good for your spiritual progress and what will create obstacles in your path. A seeker must discriminate between what is eternal and what is non-eternal. But once you have attained the state of perfection, you have renounced everything, even discrimination. You cannot hold onto anything. Transcending all dualities, you become the universe; you become expansiveness itself. You become both day and night. You go beyond purity and impurity.

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Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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Believe in yourself,
in your true Self.

Have faith in the Divine within you.

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Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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A truly spiritual person lives for the Truth, and breathes for Love.

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Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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Remember that this present life of yours is only an infinitesimal portion of your total life.

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Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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When we see a blooming flower, swaying in the wind, spreading fragrance, we fail to recognise that it represents the last stage of the transition of the flower bud from darkness into light. Inside the flower bud, there was darkness. From that darkness, it slowly bloomed into the light. Similarly, this is our journey of blossoming from the darkness of lower emotions into the light of pure love. It is only when we reach that final destination that we experience real celebration and joy.

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Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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Only love is our light
Only love can unite
Only love shines so bright
Only love can end this night

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Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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If the mind is in our control, no bad experience can make us sorrowful or depressed.Today most of the happiness that we find around us are fake. In society, we see four things spreading like epidemics:
i) Wealth becoming more important than values.
ii) Beauty becoming more important than goodness.
iii) Speed becoming more important than direction.
iv) Machines becoming more important than people.

Nowadays when children cry most parents immediately give the cell phone to them. Though this will temporarily stop the children from crying, if they are not exposed to spiritual qualities they will cry for a lifetime.These qualities give them the strength to face life's hardships.

To know the reality of life one requires spiritual thoughts. Spirituality is a quest about one's own essence and existence. Selflessness is the law of nature and life.Love and wealth give more happiness to the giver than to the recipient.That is why those who have no control over pride and selfishness do not know the joy of life or enjoy life properly. Because they are trying to live against the law of creation.

Our life should be built on compassion. Let our eyes have compassion, Let the heads bow down in reverence, Let the hands be in service of others, Let the legs go on the moral path, Let the ears be prepared to hear the grief of the afflicted. Let the tongue always speak tender words and truth.

Amma's Satsang (given in Chennai on 29th January, 2020)

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Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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An account given by Will Zulkowsky on Yogi Ramsurat Kumar's reverence for Amma. (Will was one of the first Westerners to come in touch with Him (in 1973))

Once I went to Ammachi’s ashram (in 1990s), and I knew I was going to see Swami in Tiruvannamalai, so I bought a lemon and took it to her. Ammachi was giving darshan and I said: “Could you bless this for Yogi Ramsuratkumar?” She took the lemon, closed her hand around it, and then she gave it to me; I had never seen her do this before.

Swami was at Sudama house, and I came up for darshan in a long queue. At the time Swami’s hearing was really bad. For a couple of years he had a hard time hearing everybody, and then it got better. His hearing became normal again. So, I brought this lemon from Ammachi and put it directly into Swami’s hand. His eyes got really bright, and then he started smelling it, taking deep breaths even – just relishing it, you could tell. He didn’t say a word.

Then a big smile came over his face. I said to Ma Devaki, “Tell him this lemon is from Mata Amritanandamayi.” She got the name wrong and Swami said, “Ammachi!” He looked over with a big smile and he said, - Oh, Will’s brought this beggar something very fine.

Big smile! He just kept sniffing at it, smelling it. He totally ignored everybody else and was just sniffing this lemon for a long time; every time he sniffed he had this big smile on his face. Then, he walked up and down. At that time when he was giving darshan he would pace up and down, with the people on either side. Every time he walked past me he had this beautiful, big broad smile because I’d brought him something nice.

In another instance he quotes:

When I came to see Yogi Ramsuratkumar after visiting Ammachi in 1990 - I came in January or February - I said I'd seen Ammachi and he said, “Oh”. He was very happy that I'd seen Ammachi and then he told me that, when he'd met Ammachi and he recognized that she was the Divine Mother.
When I talked to some devotees who were there, they said that he did a full prostration before Ammachi and then she had him come up on stage and sit with her when she gave the program down in Tiruvannamalai.

[It's really amazing that we are now getting details of these rare and amazing moments. It's our Mother's grace for all of her children !]

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Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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Self effort and grace are interdependent. Without one the other is impossible.

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Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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Following is an interesting incident that happened after Amma's Thiruvannamalai visit (Amma's last visit was in 1984):

Once an American devotee of Amma on her way to to Amritapuri, the first time she came to India, went to Thiruvannamalai to meet the Avadhuta Yogi Ram Surat Kumar. Hearing he was a God-realized being, she sought him out at the residence his devotees had provided for him. She found him on the porch, which was his darshan area. Carrying a package of dates, she approached him and offered her pranams. Before she had fully risen, he exclaimed, “Amma! Amma! Amma! O Amritanandamayi! That Mother came to visit this beggar! She came and had Her picture taken with this beggar. Amma…” His speech was choked with emotion and in the act of remembering, he seemed to drift into a reverie. The woman was mystified, as she had never met this man before and had no idea how he knew that she was a devotee of Amma.

The following year, she again went to visit him. At one point she asked him a spiritual question. His response was tender but emphatic, “Why are you asking me this question? Why do you ask me this question? Your Teacher is so great! You are in such good care. You are so protected. O She is so great!” He fully extolled Amma’s virtues.

Blessed we are, to live our lives with the Divine Mother herself and to get her instructions for our spiritual progress !

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Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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Like love , surrender cannot be studied or learned from books, from a particular person or from a university. Surrender comes as love grows. In fact, the two grow simultaneously. Ultimately, we must surrender to our own true Self, but surrender requires a lot of courage. We need a daring attitude to sacrifice our ego. This requires us to welcome and accept everything without any feelings of sorrow or disappointment.

~ Amma (108 Quotes on Love)

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Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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Pure love transcend the body. It is between hearts. It has nothing to do with bodies.

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Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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Love is not complex. It is our essential nature: simple and spontaneous.

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Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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Today the phase of human life known as youth is disappearing. We jump straight from childhood into old age. In fact, youth is the bindu – the center point of life. It is a time when we are neither child nor adult. It is a time for living in the moment as well as the ideal stage for training the mind. But is the present generation properly making use of this period?

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Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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Progress is not possible without discipline. A nation, institution, family or individual can advance only by heeding the words of those who deserve respect and by obeying the appropriate rules and regulations. Children, obedience is not weakness. Obedience with humility leads to discipline.

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