Don't be in front of the mind. Be behind the mind. Then you can observe the mind—if you even care to. As soon as it becomes clear to you that you are outside the bubble of the mind play, you are immediately in a different atmosphere. You are in the atmosphere of the Self and far too joyful to be bothered by as small a thing as the mind.
Through devotion, surrender and love you become eternal.
Through self-knowledge and wisdom you become timeless.
Contemplate this.
Through self-knowledge and wisdom you become timeless.
Contemplate this.
What you are trying to do is already done!
It’s just that the spell of disbelief must leave you.
You have said 'Yes' inside your heart, to the Real.
Don't worry. Grace is taking all delusions away.
It’s just that the spell of disbelief must leave you.
You have said 'Yes' inside your heart, to the Real.
Don't worry. Grace is taking all delusions away.
You are so one with yourSelf that you cannot perceive yourSelf.
Sometimes people say they can smell freedom. They say they fall more and more into the embrace of That which is unspeakable. And I have to acknowledge that this is not merely an intellectual thought or conviction. It is a deep inner thing; a felt experience in the Heart beyond words and thoughts, and yet I have to tell you that what you are falling into Is and was already here - unchangingly. It is what you already are and no distance is involved. Has anyone ever heard of a falling where there was no distance? This is the fall where there is no distance. It's the greatest fall; the falling away of delusion.
Day by day become more and more intimate with the inner stillness, joy and love which is the fragrance of your own pure Heart. Keep quiet.
Your own being created me in your life to remind you of who you truly are. Don’t depend on me, use me.
If you keep indulging the mind's play, you will miss the untouched stillness inside the heart.
When you drop all your ideas, fantasies and projections about who you are and what freedom is and remain completely empty, this is freedom.
Very few beings on this planet will refer to themselves as pure consciousness, as emptiness. Have you heard anyone speaking like this? You cannot say things like this. You could get locked up for this, but even if they lock you up, they just think they’ve got you locked up. You, the pure Self, cannot be locked up at all.
What you find is that the whole world is inside the jail and you are out! They are in the prison of egoic identity feeling sorry for you being in the ‘prison’ of their imagination, but actually, you are free. Isn’t it funny?
What you find is that the whole world is inside the jail and you are out! They are in the prison of egoic identity feeling sorry for you being in the ‘prison’ of their imagination, but actually, you are free. Isn’t it funny?
Only when a human being becomes empty of ego does it become a vessel of the manifestation of the Supreme. When there is sufficient space made through the absence of the person, then the divine cannot hide. It must reveal itself as the Lord inside that form.
Even after awakening to one's real nature, some habits may still appear to be playing, but their effects are gradually being thinned out through the grace of the Self. Your inner being knows, somehow, that despite all of this fluctuation, all is well within the grand functioning. It intuitively knows all is a passing show. The old tendencies are being spring cleaned out, leaving one in a state of serene neutrality and joy. And therein lies one's unfading happiness. Even when the body is sick, one remains in the undisturbed state of the Self. You are waltzing with the Supreme but there is no 'two’, no separation, just a wholeness.
It is only when you sit truthfully inside your Self that you can be truly generous in your expression. And you find you are not being generous—your life itself becomes the manifestation of generosity when the ego is no more.
Let yourself be merged into that pure emptiness which is the presence of God and the true source of all spiritual strivings.
Sometimes you feel you know less and less, but being more and more. You are being more of yourself although you didn't become anything at all. These are paradoxes that cannot be easily explained. Trust. You are coming to the edge of your personal self. You are falling into the abyss of your own Self.
Say inside your Heart: I am up for this. I choose to be free forever.
Say inside your Heart: I am up for this. I choose to be free forever.
You are Beauty itself. Beauty is not merely a physical thing. It is a Heart that is open to God, to Truth, to Trust and to Life
Don't keep picking up the mind.
To find Truth, you must go beyond mind's influence now.
The inmost place is too sacred for the mind.
It is an unshared place.
Only Truth dwells here… and the one who is without ego.
They are one!
To find Truth, you must go beyond mind's influence now.
The inmost place is too sacred for the mind.
It is an unshared place.
Only Truth dwells here… and the one who is without ego.
They are one!
It is not you that vanishes.
It is your self-image that vanishes.
You realize you have always been here.
It is your self-image that vanishes.
You realize you have always been here.
The emptiness I speak about is not the emptiness the mind imagines. It is not blank. Your body can continue expressing in a natural way. Intelligence is there. Emotions can come. Everything can play, but inside there is total serenity and peace. No planning, no strategizing, no personal identity is there. Just the space of pure being. It is what we are, but we dream and believe we are not.
When mankind wants to experience, he becomes the body.
When he wants knowledge, he becomes the mind.
When he wants God, he becomes the heart.
When he wants Truth, he becomes nothing
and finds himself.
When he wants knowledge, he becomes the mind.
When he wants God, he becomes the heart.
When he wants Truth, he becomes nothing
and finds himself.
Don’t put on your awareness jacket only when trouble comes. Awareness is not a technique. It is not medicine. It is Freedom. Be free all the time.
You understand all this inside your Heart already. Just sometimes some distractions come, then you bring it back. You stay in this emptiness. Then you observe everything is happening spontaneously! You don’t have to force anything. Leave everything to life. Let life care for life, with your blessing.”
Attention is not the Ultimate. It's important. It's one of your most powerful instruments, because wherever attention goes we call this experience. But something observes attention also. That, which is behind attention, untroubled by the movements of mind, identify this now. A tsunami of thoughts cannot touch that one. It touches the popular identity; it affects the self-image; the ego. But the Absolute is absolutely untouched.
This meeting will not end in two. A sheep had a dream of meeting a lion. You know what the result is. There will only be One left.