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Robert Q shared a Mother Teresa of Calcutta quote         SHARE URL

Mother Teresa of Calcutta

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Before you speak, it is necessary for you to listen, for God speaks in the silence of the heart.

Robert Q shared a Mooji quote         SHARE URL


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This Heart doesn't know the concept of enlightenment – it is simply free.

Robert Q shared a Ramesh Balsekar quote         SHARE URL

Ramesh Balsekar

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The point still needs to be cleared up: to whom does this understanding happen? In whom does this conviction take place? The only answer is that so long as this question remains, the true understanding with certainty and conviction will not have taken place. The question remains only for someone who has yet to be blessed with the understanding. The happening of the understanding is coincident with the annihilation of the “me”, and so then none remains to ask the question. Such depth of understanding is apperception. It is an understanding and perception that is prior to both knowledge and ignorance. It is beyond the opposites of logic and reason. It is beyond concepts and beliefs. This conviction arises in that silence in which all concepts and beliefs and doubts merge and get annihilated. It is only in that silence that there is relief from the comparison of opposites (known as mentation or thinking) that is the activity of the split-mind of intellect.

Robert Q shared a Kabir quote         SHARE URL


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IT cannot be told by the words of the mouth, it cannot be written on paper: It is like a dumb person who tastes a sweet thing — how shall it be explained?

Robert Q shared a Rumi, 13th century Sufi poet and Mystic quote         SHARE URL

Rumi, 13th century Sufi poet and Mystic

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If you could get rid of yourself just once, the secret of secrets would open to you. The face of the unknown, hidden beyond the universe would appear on the mirror of your perception.

Robert Q shared a Byron Katie quote         SHARE URL

Byron Katie

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Death is beautiful. It’s what we believe into death that frightens us.

Robert Q shared a Osho quote         SHARE URL


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Remember, one who enjoys more is bound to suffer more because he becomes very sensitive. But suffering is not bad. If you understand it rightly, suffering is a cleansing. If you understand it rightly, sadness has a depth to it which no happiness can ever have. A person who is simply happy is always superficial. A person who has not known sorrow and has not known sadness, has not known the depths. He has not touched the bottom of his being; he has remained just on the periphery. One has to move within these two banks. Within these two banks flows the river.

Robert Q shared a Eckhart Tolle quote         SHARE URL

Eckhart Tolle

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To be identified with your mind is to be trapped in time: the compulsion to live almost exclusively through memory and anticipation. This creates an endless preoccupation with past and future and an unwillingness to honor and acknowledge the present moment and allow it to be. The compulsion arises because the past gives you an identity and the future holds the promise of salvation, of fulfillment in whatever form. Both are illusions.

Robert Q shared a Mooji quote         SHARE URL


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Use your heart not your head! Put your Heart in front of me when you ask a question! We don't want to see your face not your hands nor your head. Yes not even your head i want. Speak and act from that Heart place! Come in front of me and show me your heart!

Robert Q shared a Ashtavakra Gita quote         SHARE URL

Ashtavakra Gita

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Attracted and repulsed with feelings, perceiving is always bewildered...
Perceived feelings are of the perceiver of feelings, but THAT abiding in itself is without any perceptibility (perceivable form).

Robert Q shared a Papaji quote         SHARE URL


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Our search for happiness is an unconscious search for our true Self.

Robert Q shared a Mooji quote         SHARE URL


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Whatever it is that is still commenting about things, forget that. Become completely empty and silent and remain as silent emptiness itself.

Robert Q shared a Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi quote         SHARE URL

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi

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Sense of time is purely mental. Even the present is mere imagination.

Robert Q shared a Sri Ramakrishna quote         SHARE URL

Sri Ramakrishna

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God can be realized only through love. You must yearn for the love of the Lord. Your devotion must be such that God seeks you.

Robert Q shared a Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj quote         SHARE URL

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

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As water remains water regardless of the vessels, as light remains itself regardless of the colours it brings out, so does the real remain real regardless of conditions in which it is reflected.

Robert Q shared a Lama Surya Das quote         SHARE URL

Lama Surya Das

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Robert Q shared a Sadhguru quote         SHARE URL


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There is no need to search for Grace. Without it, you would not be alive.

Robert Q shared a Papaji quote         SHARE URL


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When you do not stir any thought from the mind ground, without moving, without moving the mind, without starting a single thought - in an instant of time you are free.

Robert Q shared a Paramahansa Yogananda quote         SHARE URL

Paramahansa Yogananda

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I see the Lord in His universe, the Master said, Viewing a beautiful tree, my heart is moved and whispers: 'He is there!' I bow to adore Him. Doesn't He permeate every atom of the earth? Could our planet exist at all except by the cohesive power of God? When we see Him in all persons, in all things; each rock becomes an altar.

Robert Q shared a HAZRAT INAYAT KHAN quote         SHARE URL


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The difficulty in the spiritual path is always what comes from oursleves. A person does not like to be a pupil, he likes to be a teacher. If one only knew that the greatness and perfection of the great ones who have come from time to time to this world was in their being pupils and not in teaching! The greater the teacher, the better pupil he was. He learned from everyone, the great and the lowly, the wise and the foolish, the old and the young. He learned from their lives, and studied human nature in all its aspects.

Robert Q shared a Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi quote         SHARE URL

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi

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It is wise to drop the sense of responsibility and free-will by regarding ourselves as the ordained instruments of the All-wise and All-powerful, to do and suffer as He pleases. He carries all burdens and gives us peace.

Robert Q shared a Robert Adams quote         SHARE URL

Robert Adams

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When you begin to realize that your mind does not really exist, then the life you've been following becomes invalid.
It just dissipates, as if you awoke from a dream.

Robert Q shared a Sage of Kanchi quote         SHARE URL

Sage of Kanchi

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Jnana path has been recommended only for the top-level aspirants. In order for him not to lose his balance by that very qualification of topness, and for his SAdhanA not to be broken by the weight of such extraneous thoughts, the submissive attitude of bhakti becomes necessary. However much we may woo Brahman with love, unless brahman itself does the ‘revealing’ (known as ‘vivaraNaM’), there is no scope for salvation. It is with this thought that one has to submit humbly before the ideal goal. To obtain this submissive attitude it is only Bhakti that helps.

Robert Q shared a The Upanishads quote         SHARE URL

The Upanishads

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Each wave in the brain that says "I" and "mine" immediately puts a chain around us and makes us slaves, and the more we say "I" and "mine" more our slavery, the greater our misery. Therefore, the Karma-yoga advises us to enjoy the beauty of all things in the world, but not to identify with any of them.

Robert Q shared a Robert Adams quote         SHARE URL

Robert Adams

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Do not believe that if you're watching TV or watching a movie you cannot meditate or practice Self-Inquiry.
You will be amazed that as you're watching the movie you can keep inquiring,
"To whom does this come?
Who am I?"
Or you can become aware that you are like the screen in the movie.
You cannot see the screen, you see the images on the screen.
Yet the images are not real.
If you try to grab them, you grab the screen.
Just contemplating this helps.
And then you realize that you are like the screen, that is your real nature, and all the images in the universe are superimposed upon you, just as the images of the movie are superimposed on the screen.

99 Sadhana, Satsang and Transcripts - October 3, 1991

Robert Q shared a Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj quote         SHARE URL

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

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Nothing is done by me, everything just happens. I do not expect, I do not plan, I just watch events happening, knowing them to be unreal.

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