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Anandamayi Ma

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Search after your Self. As long as possible, sit immersed in meditation, becoming quite still, steady and fully concentrated.

Evgeny shared a Papaji quote         SHARE URL


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Don't waste your time purifying the mind because the mind can never be pure.
Even the desire to be pure is a trick of the mind. And you need not drop the mind because it doesn't exist. How can you drop something that doesn't exist?

Evgeny shared a Mooji quote         SHARE URL


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Q. For me all this life is bullshit.

Mooji: "No it is not bullshit.
It is holy shit - the best shit in town.
It´s not only free, but it sets you free."

Source: White Fire, 610

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In any language, can you say anything higher in the sentient kingdom than “I Love you” and “Thank you?”

Is it possible that we could even say something like that to just anybody at all? Is it possible, you know?

You know this could be a really good exercise… just let these images come, it does not matter, just can you find that place to say "I Love You" and "Thank You”

That would be something very beautiful because it will wipe all this type of stale, locked in, unforgiving energies, just blow them away, to just say Thank you Thank You Thank You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You

I mean come on:)

- Moojibaba

Via Sahaja Express ❤️
"There's Just One Sun and It's in Everybody's Heart"

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I am going to tell you something now that you don't hear very often in the world,
and I use myself as an example for you.
If you want to go all the way, give up the sense that you have any rights in life.
Have no right at all. Have no rights for anything.
Then everything is a gift.
When you don't deserve anything, everything is a gift.
Just try.
Just for you. Okay?
This is not a political decision.
Give up this sense that you have rights, that life owes you something, and feel the space that remains. Maybe, initially, you will feel vulnerability like, 'Oh my God, I can't stand up for my rights. I will be abused.' But go beyond this feeling.
Sacrifice it for a greater truth.
You must begin to think with your God-mind.
God does not have rights.
God does not need any rights.
You have to be like God.
Give up this sense you have rights.
You wish to go all the way?
Give up pride also.
Give up future too.
If you give up future, you give up past also.
Just for you. You don't have to tell anybody.
And give up this dependency, 'Who will be here for me?'
And give up projections such as, ‘Yes, in two years time
I will be in a solid relationship and I will own my own apartment.’
There is nothing so great about that.
It just keeps you being a sucker.
You don't want to be a sucker.
There is greater than this to come.
You miss the full adventure and power
that comes from the Holy spirit if you start to choose for yourself.
If you feel to choose for yourself, He will leave you to choose for yourself.
But as soon as you give up this sense of rights; if you say,
'You give me the sense of choice. You are my choice,'
then something else will happen.
In the world nobody tells you this.
There you have to be proud and say, 'Listen, I have rights!'
When I have rights, the world has done me a lot of wrongs.
Give up pride.
Pride in being a woman.
Pride in being beautiful.
Pride in being accomplished in something.
Pride that you are a certain race, religion or nation.
Give up all of these things.
They belong to the devil.
They don't belong to you.
And experience what remains.
A great space will open inside your Heart.
Huge humility.
Huge acceptance, love, wisdom and freedom
as you experience integration with the cosmic being.
And no force on earth can manipulate or bind you,
because you have made yourself empty of all that makes a 'person'.
Why think it is so great to be a person?
For a while we have to taste that state of personhood,
but there must come a time when you return to purity.
Come back to your purity, your original being!
You ask, ‘How?’
Collapse at God's feet. This is no ordinary fall. It is not falling down.
It is falling upwards into the embrace of the Living God.

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Avoid cynicism, arrogance and judgement of others and life, for this more than any other evil blinds you to seeing the glory and miracles of God in your daily life. Sometimes God reveals Himself in the very thing or one you have been judging and you find yourself bowing at the feet of that one.

Evgeny shared a Sri Anandamayi Ma quote         SHARE URL

Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Have you not noticed how, when you find it impossible to get the object of your love, you either wish to kill it or to die yourself? Whereas, the love of God, takes you to the death of death, to Immortality.

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Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi

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Attention to one's own Self, which is ever shining as 'I', the one undivided reality, is the only raft with which the individual, who is deluded by thinking 'I am the body', can cross the ocean of unending births.

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Liberation is to be firmly established in nothing.

Source: White Fire, 372

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Be nobody.
When you are somebody, there are so many duties that even to be yourself is such a hassle.
When you are nobody, you escape from every trap.
It is immediate freedom!

Source: White Fire

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If you know many things but your Self you do not know, how reliable is your knowledge?

Source: White Fire

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You can only suffer from thought if you yourself are a thought.

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Your eyes are the windows through which
I can gaze into the heart of God.
My eyes are the mirror in which you can see
God reflected inside your own Being.

Source: Facebook

Evgeny shared a Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche quote         SHARE URL

Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche

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Playing the simple meditator and keeping a low profile would not be successful - who would know about your realization then? If you happened to be an upstart lama with a penchant for fame and fortune you would have to brag a little. You would need to tell about how many dharma lineages and teachings you held, how long you stayed in retreats, how special your realization is, how you tamed both gods and demons, and the like. Then things would happen; you would be swarmed by sponsors and followers like a piece of rotting meat covered with flies.

Evgeny shared a Papaji quote         SHARE URL


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Q : Should I abide as the pure “I" and have faith that purity will come?

Sri Papaji :

Don't waste your time in the purity of mind
because mind cannot be pure.

Even the desire to be pure is the trick of the mind.

You will spend many lives purifying the mind,
but it will never be pure.

Look at the story of Vishwamitra and Manika.
After purifying his mind for 10,000 years
he still falls for her instantly.

It is better to just allow your desires to arise and
not let them touch you.

Let them arise and let them be fullfilled.

You simply stay Quiet.

Don't try to become anything,
don't go anywhere
don't do anything
don't undo anything.

Find the source of these concepts and stay there.

This is bliss, nothing else.

This knowledge is bliss.

~ Sri Papaji , from The Truth Is book

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Marcus Aurelius

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People look for retreats for themselves, in the country, by the coast, or in the hills . . . There is nowhere that a person can find a more peaceful and trouble-free retreat than in his own mind. . . . So constantly give yourself this retreat, and renew yourself.

Evgeny shared a Swamigal Ramalinga ~ Vallalar quote         SHARE URL

Swamigal Ramalinga ~ Vallalar

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To Vallalar’s compassion we have devoted one full section already.
Vallalar’s path of Suddha Sanmargam could be described as a “path of infinite
compassion, knowledge and felicity”.’ He made it the essential and the single step in
soul making and God-becoming, His views have never been heard before.

"I wish for the great man who is filled with grace who shall all. I shall serve them so they can become the embodiment of Grace Light themselves.
I wish that man whose essence is mercy,
Who sees all life as his own, let him be lighted into the truth and I will
keep him into my soul as God’s children’s.
Whenever I ate appetizing food ,my mind trembled with fear
Wondering what suffering will come out of this joy,
And, therefore often remained with an empty gnawing stomach.
Oh my father I receive whatever loving friends offer me out of love and
“Alas, Oh God, do not let me suffer by these”,
I ate the things with fear in my mind with the awaiting consequences."

Why Vallalar was eating less?
As your vibration and spiritual evolution grow more in
the divine grace, divine amrita or nectar flow in your body and come feeding everyone of your cell. As a consequence if you force yourself to eat food just by desire this will create an incompatibility inside your physical body. These are bringing suffering to the physical body due to the difference of vibration between solid food and ambrosia.

Also every time we eat our food organs have to work. Because of the over use of the inner organs we get older faster and death comes quicker.

Also it is not necessary to eat a lot. If the food is purified hundred of times then a small quantity of food should be good enough.

When our thought ceases and when there is no resistance for the descent of Grace into the diverse bodies the need of solid food will diminish and will be replaced by Divine Amrita, Divine Prana or Divine Grace Light.

Source: Vallalar - Messenger of Grace Light, p. 30

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Swamigal Ramalinga ~ Vallalar

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He was transparently sincere, transparently humble, transparently saintly and
full of grace. The last infirmity of noble minds—the seeking of fame—also was not his.
Living in God, was self-sufficient:

"As I realized the Divine form revealed to me, I’m enjoying more and
more to integrate it within my system. I would like to be unnoticed by
the world up to when I transform myself completely into a Gnana
Deham body. But the Divine wish and will has revealed mew here I
stand now in the beginning itself. For this my mind is perturbed to
see that I’m not perfect yet."

The last achievement of man the complete conquest of mind was his. He
banished mind from him.
He emerged above the earthly plane to one of different dimensions where
we, ordinary humans, may not follow him.

Source: Vallalar - Messenger of Grace Light, p. 30

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Swamigal Ramalinga ~ Vallalar

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He slept very little. He advised, in his instructions to his disciples, that one
should sleep only between midnight and three o’clock in the morning. In his
discourses at Mettukkuppam, he advised them to sleep only one hour a day. It is
stated that in his youth he slept three hours a day, then two hours, and then one hour,
and finally, his disciples reported that in the end he did not sleep at all. He addresses
God as ‘You who banished sleep for me’. He says he is apprehensive of sleeping:

"Supreme Light, that shines before and beyond Time,
Have you made me Yours?
I lough to the sleep that comes night or day.
It troubles me that it comes.
Unwilling I sleep; and when
I awake, I call on you and pray,
‘Lord’ when will the sleep be abolished ?"

He banishes sleep:

"Sleep, you silly Idiot, beware!
If, within half an instant of this warning,
You do not leave me, with your brood,
for good, you shall be accursed.
I’ve transcended sorrow. I’ve gained
creative will, and I rejoice, I’m not for you,
Get away and be quick! I’ve behind me
the Lord of the Golden wisdom sphere"

Source: Vallalar - Messenger of Grace Light, p. 29

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Swamigal Ramalinga ~ Vallalar

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He always dressed in white. His dress consisted of two pieces of long cloth.
No other dress, no other color. The four great Tamil prophets of Saivism of old
were also ascetics in white. Vallalar, in one of his discourses, said:

"Ochre robe represent a struggling aspirant
man who has to fight against his own nature,
One who has subdued his nature has gained
compassion, for him white robe is fitting as a winner aspirant.."

He refers to his white dress in a verse, which describes also certain other
features :

"Shy of swinging arms,
I walked with folded hands;
Averse to be bare,
I covered body and head with white cloth ;
I cast no glance
where smartness sauntered
lest the sight offend me."

This walking picture of Vallalar brings out the quintessential man.


"High-placed seats unsettled me
Sitting cross-legged seems a pose
I dare not sleep on soft bed.
When sitting on a dais, I hardly dare
to stretch down my legs.
Loud talking harrows me—
Spare me these, my mother.
Then, when I ate twice a day,
and slept a long time—you made the sleep
and food serve me for you...
And then, when I ate but once, my father,
People around, puzzled, would question me."

He declared:

"In the flood-tide
of ever-repeated and ever-relished food,
all gains of restraint and penance turn to emptiness
like tamarind thrown in running river."

Source: Vallalar - Messenger of Grace Light, p. 28

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Swamigal Ramalinga ~ Vallalar

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"Lord, grant me to be pure compassion
Help me to tide people over their grief and fears
Aid me to build a world where there is no murder
and where there is no eating by killing.

Let me sing
Your glory without end—
Lord my Mother,
For this I pray."

He does not have any hostile reaction to this people ideas, and do not preach
them, but instead he place his agony before God. The fact that vegetarianism exists on a considerable scale in Tamil Nadu today is largely owing to Vallalar Swamigal. His
disciple Velayuda Mudaliar writes (to quote Mudaliar’s original in English): ‘He
(Ramalinga Swamigal) had a strange faculty about him, witnessed very often, of
changing a carnivorous person into a vegetarian; a more glance from him seemed
enough to destroy the desire for animal food.’

Source: Vallalar - Messenger of Grace Light, p. 23

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Swamigal Ramalinga ~ Vallalar

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People plant demeaning little gods
over the land, and in the names of these,
They kill sheep and swine and fowl and bulls,
Bleeding their robust lives
I am witness to this, and weary;
My reason fails, my senses reel.
The red houses of abhorrence
of these wretched little gods
I have pain in seeing it.

Source: Vallalar - Messenger of Grace Light, p. 23

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Swamigal Ramalinga ~ Vallalar

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When I see men feeding themselves with
vicious meat food,
It is ever-recurring grief to me;
I tremble, I faint, my flesh shrinks,
You do know my sore-troubled mind,
My exhausted mind, my Master
He expressed again and again his horror of killing:

I shuddered at the horrid killer’s
swift-descending axe on the prostrate life.
When with my eyes I saw
the terrible agony of taking life away,
or the fishermen’s net on the sand
with bait, or rope with noose, or trap,
Lord, Lord, my Father, You do know,
How, how, shall I utter my agony?

Source: Vallalar - Messenger of Grace Light, p. 23

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Swamigal Ramalinga ~ Vallalar

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The miracle-working adept,
Though he may change a man
into a girl, and that girl, freshly risen in beauty,
Back to a virile man in a trice,
Though he may raise men from the dead,
I swear by my Master, I swear
by God’s effulgent Flame,
If he be thinking, in his merciless mind,
To eat and feed on a body that was house of life,
Him I do not hold in reverence.

Source: Vallalar - Messenger of Grace Light, p. 22

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Swamigal Ramalinga ~ Vallalar

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Lord of Grace who counseled me,
‘Keep me aloof from killers of life
and feeders on meat. They are aliens
to you. Hold no rapport with them
nor any tie with them, except
to save them from hunger, if needed to be,
true to compassion, with compassion
unfailing to all life, swear, O swear!
Lord of resounding glory, Lord of Mercy,
Dancing for the common wealth, glory to You.

Source: Vallalar - Messenger of Grace Light, p. 21

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Swamigal Ramalinga ~ Vallalar

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Seeing withered corn, my spirit drooped,
Watching the wretch that begged from door to door
unavailingly, and hungry sank to sleep,
I brooded. At sight of long-racking disease
I shuddered. Starving, poor, too proud to beg,
and spirit-broken, broke me.
O Last Boon, Shining Lord of Ethereal Space,
When I hear of human creatures starving
or spent with hunger, a fear seizes me,
like a fire in the mind, quickly ablaze,
and my body shivers.
Cattle’s lowing turned hoarse
Dismayed me.
Bull and beast ill-fed
Preyed on me.
Quacking fowl and duck
Unhinged me.
Lord, when I saw the murderous knife
Dangling from the butcher’s hand,
I trembled in fear.
When people’s voices rose in squabble
A shivering came on me.
When they knocked at the door in frenzy
It jarred on me.
O Lord, you know, when some one wailed, ‘O father’ or ‘mother’ or ‘Alas’,
The words tore through me
Like an uprooting storm.
O Essence beyond the mind of man,
Final Anchor, my Master,
I, your servant, bound to my kin,
friends, comrades, mother, brothers,
sisters, others, am sore-troubled
to see passing clouds on their faces,
You know.
O Father, Splendor of the Cosmic Stage,
My God, my great Goal,
Need I tell you
the distress that sears my mind
When, in this distressful world,
Mother, comrades, friends,
People near to me, people next to me,
People removed from me,
Suffer, and I see them suffer,
Pangs of hunger, pain of disease.
Scorching afflictions,
Lord, You do know.
Lord, whose dance is blessing
Seed and fruit of final being,
In this passing show of life
Choked by grievous want,
When greyed people and young people ,
known and unknown, recount to me
their trials and tribulations,
My mind trembles and splinters,
Lord, You do know.

Source: Vallalar - Messenger of Grace Light, p. 21

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