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Evgeny shared a Rumi, 13th century Sufi poet and Mystic quote         SHARE URL

Rumi, 13th century Sufi poet and Mystic

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The inspiration you seek is already within you. Be silent and listen.

Evgeny shared a Viktor E. Frankl quote         SHARE URL

Viktor E. Frankl

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When a person can't find a deep sense of meaning, they distract themselves with pleasure.

Evgeny shared a Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi quote         SHARE URL

Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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You are here [on earth] for a short period, as a visitor.
So is there any meaning in claiming ownership?

Evgeny shared a Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj quote         SHARE URL

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

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It is not the universe that needs improving, but your way of looking.

Evgeny shared a Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj quote         SHARE URL

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

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Some people are in search of knowledge which is acceptable to their mind and intellect, but the sphere of the mind and intellect is of no use to receive this knowledge. All your experiences and visions depend on your knowledge “I Am” and this itself is going to dissolve.

Evgeny shared a Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi quote         SHARE URL

Amma - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

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In the olden days, people taught their children the truth of what is permanent and what is fleeting. They taught them that the aim of life is God realization. The children were given an education that enabled them to understand who they were. Nowadays parents encourage their children only to earn money. What is the result? The child doesn't know the parent and the parent doesn't know the child. There is enmity and fighting between them. They may even kill each other for selfish reasons.

Evgeny shared a Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj quote         SHARE URL

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

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We are complex beings, at war within and without. We contradict ourselves all the time, undoing today the work of yesterday. No wonder we are stuck. A little of integrity would make a lot of difference.

Evgeny shared a Sri Anandamayi Ma quote         SHARE URL

Sri Anandamayi Ma

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It may be asked, why there cannot be one and the same path for all?

Because He reveals Himself in infinite ways and forms — verily,
The One is all of them.

Evgeny shared a Mooji quote         SHARE URL


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I want to see that people reach deep into themselves, behind the façade of the person, and find the presence of God within. I want to see that people blow away these miserable states and live this life as the living Truth Itself. You may think we are suffering from conflicts, wars, famines and droughts. But no, we are suffering from ego!The ego is the atomic bomb that we drop on ourselves, in a way. Why do I say that? Because we are not helpless. As a person, you are pretty much helpless, but you are powerful as Being. The change that really has to happen in the human kingdom is not a more advanced technological change, advancing in the outer things. We must be advanced in the inner world, and rise above shallow, fleshly ambitions, to find again our original nature.

Evgeny shared a Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj quote         SHARE URL

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

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Q: What does it mean to go beyond the mind?

M: You have gone beyond the body, haven’t you?
You do not closely follow your digestion, circulation or elimination. These
have become automatic.
In the same way the mind should work
automatically, without calling for attention.

This will not happen unless the mind works faultlessly. We are, most of our time, mind and body-conscious, because they constantly call for help. Pain and suffering are only the body and the mind screaming for attention. To go beyond the body you must be healthy: to go beyond the mind, you must have your mind in perfect order.
You cannot leave a mess behind and go beyond. — the mess will bog you up.
‘Pick up your rubbish’ seems to be the universal law. And a just law too.

Q: Am I permitted to ask you how did you go beyond the mind?
M: By the grace of my Guru.

Q: What shape his grace took?
M: He told me what is true.

Q: What did he tell you?
M: He told me I am the Supreme Reality.

Q: What did you do about it?
M: I trusted him and remembered it.

Q: Is that all?
M: Yes, I remembered him; I remembered what he said.

Q: You mean to say that this was enough?

M: What more needs be done?
It was quite a lot to remember the Guru and his words. My advice to you is even less difficult than this — just remember yourself. ‘I am’, is enough to heal your mind and take you beyond. Just have some trust.
I don’t mislead you. Why should I? Do I want anything from you? I wish you well — such is my nature. Why should I mislead you?
Commonsense too will tell you that to fulfil a desire you must keep your mind on it. If you want to know your true nature, you must have yourself in mind all the time, until the secret of your being stands revealed.

Q: Why should self-remembrance bring one to self-realization?

M: Because they are but two aspects of the same state. Self-remembrance is in the mind, self-realization is beyond the mind.
The image in the mirror is of the face beyond the mirror.

Q: Right. But do I need a Guru? What you tell me is simple and convincing. I shill remember it. This does not make you my

M: It is not the worship of a person that is crucial, but the steadiness and depth of your devotion to the task.

Life itself is the Supreme Guru; be attentive to its lessons and obedient to its commands. Whey you personalize their source, you have an outer Guru; when you take them from life directly, the Guru is

Remember, wonder, ponder, live with it, love it, grow into it, grow with it, make it your own — the word of your Guru, outer of inner.
Put in all and you will get all. I was doing it. All my time I was giving to my Guru and to what he told me.

- Excerpt from: I AM THAT.
Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.

Evgeny shared a Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi quote         SHARE URL

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi

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Wherever you concentrate and on whatever centre there must be a you to concentrate, and that is what you must concentrate on.

~ Day by day 18-7-46

Evgeny shared a Ф. И. Тютчев quote         SHARE URL

Ф. И. Тютчев

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Молчи, скрывайся и таи
И чувства и мечты свои –
Пускай в душевной глубине
Встают и заходят оне
Безмолвно, как звезды в ночи, –
Любуйся ими – и молчи.
Как сердцу высказать себя?
Другому как понять тебя?
Поймет ли он, чем ты живешь?
Мысль изреченная есть ложь.
Взрывая, возмутишь ключи, –
Питайся ими – и молчи.
Лишь жить в себе самом умей –
Есть целый мир в душе твоей
Таинственно-волшебных дум;
Их оглушит наружный шум,
Дневные разгонят лучи, –
Внимай их пенью – и молчи!..

Evgeny shared a Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi quote         SHARE URL

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi

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Bhagavan talks about Suicide

Killing the innocent body is certainly wrong. Suicide must be committed on the mind, where the suffering is deposited, and not on the body, which is insentient and feels nothing. The mind is the real culprit, being the creator of the anguish which tempts to suicide, but by an error of judgement, the innocent, insentient body is punished for it.

Evgeny shared a Mooji quote         SHARE URL


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Shhh... Do not talk so much about yourself, it does not even exist.

Evgeny shared a Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi quote         SHARE URL

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi

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Nothing happens by accident in the divine scheme of things.

Evgeny shared a Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj quote         SHARE URL

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

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What is imagined and willed becomes actuality - here lies the danger as well as the way out.

Evgeny shared a Mooji quote         SHARE URL


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We are 100 percent pure,
painted with ego.
It’s always been there but not seen.
To sit and bring the focus
to rest on your own Being is the highest bliss.

Evgeny shared a Лао Цзы quote         SHARE URL

Лао Цзы

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Довольствуйтесь тем, что имеете, радуйтесь тому, что происходит с вами. Когда вы поймете, что не испытываете ни в чем недостатка, вся вселенная будет принадлежать вам.

Evgeny shared a Миларепа quote         SHARE URL


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Мы желаем учиться, но не меняться. Само желание получать как можно больше наставлений отвлекает и создает помехи. Сохрани же в сердце самую суть всего сказанного. Умножая, не углубишься. Много стеблей не значит много плодов. Накопление свойств не есть абсолютная Истина - даже изучив их полностью, не увидишь Истину. Есть о чем поговорить, но нет Освобождения. Ведет к Освобождению лишь священное Сокровище, хранимое в сердце. Если хочешь быть Просветлённым, сосредоточься на этом.

Evgeny shared a Чжуан-Цзы quote         SHARE URL


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Вы забываете о своих ногах, когда ботинки вам впору. Вы вспоминаете о своих ногах, только когда ботинки жмут. Вы забываете о своей талии, когда ремень удобно опоясывает вас. Вы вспоминаете о своей талии, только когда ремень затянут слишком сильно. Вы забываете о добре и зле, когда у вас чистая совесть. Вы вспоминаете о добре и зле, только когда ваша совесть нечиста. Вы забываете то, с чем гармонируете, и вспоминаете только то, с чем перестаете гармонировать.
Если вы по-настоящему ступаете по Пути, то забываете о нем. Вы вспоминаете о Пути, только когда сошли с него.

Evgeny shared a Mooji quote         SHARE URL


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You say you want to get rid of the noise, but you and the noise go together. You have to be you without 'you' and all noise will stop. The real You is the formless witness within. The person, the noisy one, is only imagined. To recognized this is Freedom.

Evgeny shared a Robert Adams quote         SHARE URL

Robert Adams

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There is nothing to do. There is no place to go. There is nothing to become. You are That, just the way you are. Awaken to your true Self which is what you are right now

Evgeny shared a Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj quote         SHARE URL

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

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Not through intellect, but through intense meditation you will know it. The meditation will be done by that consciousness itself. To meditate on something is to become that.

Evgeny shared a Rabindranath Tagore quote         SHARE URL

Rabindranath Tagore

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Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers, but to be fearless in facing them.

Evgeny shared a Sri Samartha Siddharameshwar Maharaj quote         SHARE URL

Sri Samartha Siddharameshwar Maharaj

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You have the power to call Illusion a myth, and determine that it is false. Maya has created something, and after Liberation, if you desire to create something, it is possible because of this creative power. As the world is imagined it is possible to modify it by our own imagination.

"Master of Self-Realization" Discourse 103

Evgeny shared a Nagarjuna quote         SHARE URL


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A beautiful story is told about a great mystic, Nagarjuna:

He was a naked fakir, but he was loved by all real seekers. A queen was also deeply in love with Nagarjuna. She asked him one day to come to the palace, to be a guest in the palace. Nagarjuna went. The queen asked him a favour.

Nagarjuna said, "What do you want?"

The queen said, "I want your begging bowl."

Nagarjuna gave it -- that was the only thing he had -- his begging bowl. And the queen brought a golden begging bowl, studded with diamonds and gave it to Nagarjuna. She said, "Now you keep this. I will worship the begging bowl that you have carried for years -- it has some of your vibe. It will become my temple. And a man like you should not carry an ordinary wooden begging bowl -- keep this golden one. I have had it made specially for you."

It was really precious. If Nagarjuna had been an ordinary mystic he would have said, "I cannot touch it. I have renounced the world." But for him it was all the same, so he took the bowl.

When he left the palace, a thief saw him. He could not believe his eyes: "A naked man with such a precious thing! How long can he protect it?" So the thief followed....

Nagarjuna was staying outside the town in a ruined ancient temple -- no doors, no windows. It was just a ruin. The thief was very happy: "Soon Nagarjuna will have to go to sleep and there will be no difficulty -- I will get the bowl."

The thief was hiding behind a wall just outside the door -- Nagarjuna threw the bowl outside the door. The thief could not believe what had happened. Nagarjuna threw it because he had watched the thief coming behind him, and he knew perfectly well that he was not coming for him -- he was coming for the bowl, "So why unnecessarily let him wait? Be finished with it so he can go, and I can also rest."

"Such a precious thing! And Nagarjuna has thrown it so easily." The thief could not go without thanking him. He knew perfectly well that it had been thrown for him. He peeked in and he said, "Sir, accept my thanks. But you are a rare being -- I cannot believe my eyes. And a great desire has arisen in me. I am wasting my life by being a thief -- and there are people like you too? Can I come in and touch your feet?"

Nagarjuna laughed and he said, "Yes, that's why I threw the bowl outside -- so that you could come inside."

The thief was trapped. The thief came in, touched the feet... and at that moment the thief was very open because he had seen that this man was no ordinary man. He was very vulnerable, open, receptive, grateful, mystified, stunned. When he touched the feet, for the first time in his life he felt the presence of the divine.

He asked Nagarjuna, "How many lives will it take for me to become like you?"

Nagarjuna said, "How many lives? -- it can happen today, it can happen now!"

The thief said, "You must be kidding. How can it happen now? I am a thief, a well-known thief The whole town knows me, although they have not yet been able to catch hold of me. Even the king is afraid of me, because thrice I have entered and stolen from the treasury. They know it, but they have no proof. I am a master thief -- you may not know about me because you are a stranger in these parts. How can I be transformed right now?"

And Nagarjuna said, "If in an old house for centuries there has been darkness and you bring a candle, can the darkness say, 'For centuries and centuries I have been here -- I cannot go out just because you have brought a candle in. I have lived so long'? Can the darkness give resistance? Will it make any difference whether the darkness is one day old or millions of years old.

The thief could see the point: darkness cannot resist light; when light comes, darkness disappears. Nagarjuna said, You may have been in darkness for millions of lives -- that doesn't matter -- but I can give you a secret, you can light a candle in your being."

And the thief said, "What about my profession? Have I to leave it?"

Nagarjuna said, "That is for you to decide. I am not concerned with you and your profession I can only give you the secret of how to kindle a light within your being, and then it is up to you."

The thief said, "But whenever I have gone to any saints, they always say, 'First stop stealing -- then only can you be initiated.'"

It is said that Nagarjuna laughed and said, "You must have gone to thieves, not to saints. They know nothing. You just watch your breath -- the ancient method of Buddha -- just watch your breath coming in, going out. Whenever you remember, watch your breath. Even when you go to steal, when you enter into somebody's house in the night, go on watching your breath. When you have opened the treasure and the diamonds are there, go on watching your breath, and do whatsoever you want to do -- but don't forget watching the breath."

The thief said, "This seems to be simple. No morality? No character needed? No other requirement?"

Nagarjuna said, "Absolutely none -- just watch your breath."

And after fifteen days the thief was back, but he was a totally different man. He fell at the feet of Nagarjuna and he said, "You trapped me, and you trapped me so beautifully that I was not even able to suspect. I tried for these fifteen days -- it is impossible. If I watch my breath, I cannot steal. If I steal, I cannot watch my breath. Watching the breath, I become so silent, so alert, so aware, so conscious, that even diamonds look like pebbles. You have created a difficulty for me, a dilemma. Now what am I supposed to do?"

Nagarjuna said, "Get lost! -- whatsoever you want to do. If you want that silence, that peace, that bliss, that arises in you when you watch your breath, then choose that. If you think all those diamonds and gold and silver is more valuable, then choose that. That is for you to choose! Who am I to interfere in your life?"

The man said, "I cannot choose to be unconscious again. I have never known such moments. Accept me as one of your disciples, initiate me."

Nagarjuna said, "I have initiated you already."

Religion is based not in morality but in meditation. Religion is rooted not in character but in consciousness.

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